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单词 seeming 例句大全,用单词seeming造句:

The mountain remains unmoved at its seeming defeat by the mist.
Seeming friends are often more to be dreaded than open enimies.
You must be firm, and even bold, but with great seeming modesty.
你必须坚定甚至大胆, 但又须让人觉得你看起来十分谦虚。
Seeming to become discrete only in time, but never made forever.
在时间上看来似乎有个别的个体, 但绝对不是制成永恒的。
qualities that attract by seeming to promise some kind of reward.
In spite of his seeming friendship he would not give me any help.
But, be overwhelmed by the seeming complexity of such a challenge.
然而, 也不要把这个挑战看得太过困难复杂。
I am not merry, but I do beguile the thing I m by seeming otherwise
我虽然心里愁闷, 姑且强作欢容。
People who appear on reality shows have a habit of not seeming real.
Necco hopped up on the desk, seeming to feel her job wasn't done yet.
尼科跳上书桌, 像是觉得它还没有完成任务。
He hurled his arms about seeming to clutch at something and then fell.
What he had said sounded well and created a great seeming of fairness.
他所说的话字面上很动听, 使人觉得非常公道的样子。
Let us risk seeming repetitious explanation, in order to drive it home.
为了便于理解, 有必要作进一步说明。
All my seeming prosperity wore off, and ended in misery and destruction.
He glanced across at her, his dark eyes seeming to linger on her breasts.
When you are not fooled by the seeming, you are no longer confined by it.
cryptic difficult to understand having or seeming to have a hidden meaning.
解说晦涩难懂的, 含义隐晦的。
The seeming boldness of world leaders a year ago was a product of the moment.
He said, with seeming embarrassment, that he would have to cancel the meeting.
Have below nose for nothing thing. . Seeming is hoary head, should how dispel.
At the risk of seeming rude, I must admit that I dont really like the painting.
Continue to stand down ?I am very tired, seeming to leak the balloon of spirit.
继续走下去?我很累, 就像是泄了气的气球。
Continue to stand down ? I am very tired, seeming to leak the balloon of spirit.
A bicycle rider was knocked down to the ground, seeming to be injured seriously.
She thought what a kind heart was hidden under her visitor's seeming chilliness.

单词 seeming 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.表面上的n.外观  [更多..]



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