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单词 often 例句大全,用单词often造句:

He traveled aboard the military aircraft often used to fly Vice President Dick Cheney around.
Abscission of the tightly rolled, needlelike tips of the injured leaves quite often occurred.
He often talks in circles, frequently contradicting himself and often ends up saying nothing.
Early patients with high blood pressure often feel, often quietly and cause onset emergencies.
When the Sangha gets up at midnight, they often see the light still burning in the Abbots room.
In the case of plovers it is, more often than not, the female who abandons her mate and offspring.
Large genus of often epiphytic evergreen tropical American plants often cultivated as houseplants.
美洲热带常绿附生植物的一个大属, 常作为室内植物种植。
Friendship may, and often and often dose, grow into love, but love never subsides into friendship.
友谊可以而且常常发展成为爱, 而爱决不会降为友谊。
As a result, your ability to get work done is often dependent upon your ability to perform research.
因此, 你完成工作的能力通常取决于你的检索能力。
This difference is often accompanied with the partial or complete abortion of the reproductive organs.
Drug induced hypertensive emergencies are often short lied, and often aggressie therapy is not needed.
To him it was the most ancient and serviceable type of blarney, often used before and often successful.
The characteristics of the habitual abortion is often occur in the same every time abortion in pregnancy.
More often, filing down the bone is what is done because reattaching a fingertip is often not successful.
Third, often practices English with friends, also often listens to English broadcast or the movie dialogue.
family of mostly woody dicotyledonous flowering plants with flowers often unisexual and often borne in catkins
The continuous development of social practice, the livelihood of the people often talks about a new topic often.
社会实践不断发展, 民生话题常谈常新。
Women unable to control their bladder and bowel movements are often abandoned or neglected by husbands and family.
Acute is pure the clinical expression of sexual gastritis often differs because of the pathogeny and very abhorrent.
Today's plays often use suspense to attract audiences, and suspense is often created through changes in space and time.
Upper abdomen impact injury was more serious than that of lateral abdomen impact. And the former often led to liver damage.
Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.
Phlegm syndrome and phlegm combined blood stasis syndrome are more often appeared in male, while blood stasis syndrome is more often appeared in female.
When he speaks, he is often funny, engaging and jagged. Jordan, for all his charm, often spoke in sanitized sound bites, like the polished business executive he's since become.
The new car model comes with ABS anti - lock brakes, too, far removed in theory and practice from the dodgy18 drum brakes that, when applied, often caused the old Beetle to lurch19 sideways.

单词 often 释义

  • 单词释义:常常;经常;时常;再三  [更多..]



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