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单词 ofr 例句大全,用单词ofr造句:

Suitable ofr incandescent lamp, vapor lamp.
可配装白炽灯, 汞灯。
Continue taking medicine ofr following a course
继续用药, 继续某个疗程
Your diabetes requires a course of treatment ofr about a month.
The Technical Measures ofr Adding Internet Function to Cuntian Silk Winding Frame
It somes to the same thing,whether a column of figures is added from the bottom upward ofr from the top downward.
Its aim is nothing less than to draw up an internationally agreed framework ofr decentralization and the practice of local democracy.
他们争执了一番, 最后牧师同意她们离开修道院度周末。
Analyze the trend of the changes ofr the complications of multipara during gestation period and the principal factors of caesarean of multipara.

单词 ofr 释义



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