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单词 occasionally 例句大全,用单词occasionally造句:

Occasionally, you will find the person too busy, too rush to give you aid.
Nevertheless, it is known that hindu ascetics occasionally visited greece.
Usually the fungus is an ascomycete but occasionally it is a basidiomycete.
occasionally and vice testicular inflammation, arthritis, colitis, and so on
偶尔会并有副睪丸炎, 关节炎, 肠炎等。
What he attends to is a whole, not the minor part that occasionally secedes.
Occasionally, the poisons waft ashore to fill clinics with coughing patients.
偶尔, 这些毒物还会透过吹上岸的海风把人们送进诊所。
She ambled down the street, stopping occasionally to look in the shop windows.
Large meteor impacts may have occasionally thickened and warmed the atmosphere.
We all listened very attentively, and only occasionally somebody put in a word.
Occasionally, a programmer might unintentionally turn off automatic evaluation.
有时, 程序员可能会无意关闭自动计算。
Occasionally, two other musicians would accompany her, playing violin and flute.
When she occasionally read the announcement20 years ago, her heart kept thumping.
Dawdle often grows in toilet, agaric still grows occasionally on doorcase, how to do
卫生间里老是长蘑菇, 门框上有时候还长木耳, 怎么办啊
Retro is longing for perfect arts, style is the romantics interspersed occasionally.
复古, 是对完美艺术的向往, 格调, 是偶尔穿插的浪漫。
If voting is exceptionally close, we occasionally award an honorable mention as well.
如果投票是一种非常密切的, 我们有时会奖光荣提及。
My menstrual cycles are usually 30 days apart,but occasionally late by a week or more.
Occasionally jumped out singer or quiver ! America , Click on the additional incentives
偶尔也会跳出静香或者哆啦美, 点击的话有额外奖励呢!
My menstrual cycles are usually 28 days apart, but occasionally late by a week or more.
Why darling does abdomen murmur occasionally of verbose cry Be abdomen abdomen has ascarid
The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.
She occasionally drank alcohol and reported that she did not use tobacco or illicit drugs.
她偶尔饮酒, 自述不吸烟, 也不使用违禁药品。
When leaders treat the member well occasionally, they accept any and all crumbs gratefully.
当领导者偶尔略施小惠, 他们便感激涕零。
Occasionally the accumulation of toxin, also be the reason that weight does not fall tardy.
You have occasionally kept people uninformed in order to give you an advantage in some way.
The pulmonary migration of larvae is associated with fever, cough, occasionally hemoptysis.

单词 occasionally 释义

  • 单词释义:偶尔;偶然;有时候  [更多..]



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