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单词 nutritive 例句大全,用单词nutritive造句:

Elementary Introduction about the Influences of Protein in Rice on Nutritive Value and Taste Quality.
Generally, nutritive value of 500g sunflower seed oil is equivalent to that of 2 kg common salad oil.
Using green tea as a complemental ingredient, a new kind of natural nutritive dry noodles was developed.
以绿茶为辅料, 研制出一种天然营养挂面。
Analysis and Evaluation of the Nutritive Composition of the Ink of the Golden Cuttlefish Sepia esculenta
Nutrition content in different phenological periods and nutritive liquid absorption tests of Clivia plants
A comprehensive study is carried on the nutritive compositions of wild Caragana chinensis Turcz. ex Maxim.
Bioaccumulation of Different Nutritive Elements of Leymus chinesis Steppe in Isohumisol Soil Inner Mongolia
The numbers of physiological groups of bacteria nutritive element is identical in polluted waters and soils.
在不同废水处理系统中, 细菌生理群的数量差异较大。
Analysis and evaluation on nutritive composition of Pyracantha fortuneana fruit in different producing areas
Comparison of the Nutritive Components in Submerged Fermentation Mycelia and Fructification of Boletus Edulis
The ingredients of Yongxin soy preserved turnip were determined and the nutritive ingredients were evaluated.
0, the effects of wilting prior to ensiling on fermentation characteristics and nutritive value were studied.
2, the effects of wilting prior to ensiling on fermentation characteristics and nutritive value were studied.
The anther is made up of an outer epidermis, a middle fibrous layer, and an inner nutritive layer, the tapetum.
花药壁由外表皮层, 中间纤维层, 内部营养层和绒毡层构成。
After that a kind of natural drink which is nutritive, free of bean smell and uniquely dulcet is ready to come.
一种营养丰富, 无豆腥味, 具有独特香味的天然饮料即将面世。
Comparison between yields and forage nutritive value of sequential cropping silage corn in the north of Xinjiang
Effects of Density and Cutting Height on Yield and Forage Nutritive Quality of Sequential Cropping Silage Maize.
Study on Quantitative Change Course of Nutritive Compositions in Fruit and Leaf at Bearing Fruit Period of Loquat
A Comparison Among the Muscle of Common Carp Species in the Nutritive Compositions, Protein and Amino Acid Content
The Research of Nutritive Contents Change between Whole Plant Corn and Corn Silage Harvested at Different Growth Period
In reptiles, birds, amphibians and insects the term egg refers to a fertilized ovum with protective and nutritive tissues.
而在爬虫类, 鸟, 两栖动物与昆虫, 卵是指受精之后的合子。
Effect of potassium supersulphate and urea treatment on improving the nutritive value and the rumen effective degradability of wheat straw
Nutritive ingredients accumulation amounts showed remarked difference under different density and applying nitrogenous fertilizer quantity.
With prolonged heating time the accumulation of deterioration products leads to organoleptic failures and a decrease of the nutritive value.
The distribution of nutritive elements and pollution elements in the Chongqing section river channel of the Yangtze River and an analysis of the paleogeomorphology

单词 nutritive 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.营养的n.富于营养的食物  [更多..]



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