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单词 not 例句大全,用单词not造句:

And what lies beyond the sankharas is that which is not constructed, not put together, not compounded.
Superb but not extravagant, simple but not stuffy, exquisite but not decadent, splendent but not arrogant.
华而不奢, 简而不乏, 精而不靡, 大气而不张狂。
But he seemed not concerned with that and said its not cruel enough as my posture of beating was not right.
他却跟没事人似的, 说我打人的姿势不对所以不够狠。
Second, bogey anger failing to anger, not angry, not angry, so as not to harm the physical and mental health.
忌怒气遇事不怒, 不生气, 不发脾气, 以免损害身心健康。
If the fee is not paid or not paid in full within the time limit,the request is deemed not to have been made.
The swift will not escape, the strong will not muster their strength, and the warrior will not save his life.
But young people are not selfesteem, selfconfidence is not complacent and are not independent arc legislation.
Warm but not fierce, fragrance but not vulgar, mellow but is not mixed, in best quality goods best quality goods.
Really, I do not go fast support, and if you are not back to me, I can not imagine what I will become like haggard.
Persuade gentleman not to have feculent sexual intercourse so, do not taste the forbidden fruit that should not taste.
In 3, does not destroy the original waterproof layer, is not affected by the weather, do not affect the hotel business.
Goes out always not to be able to bear must stroll the bookstore, not possibly strolls the bookstore not to buy the book.
外出总忍不住要逛书店, 逛书店就不可能不买书。
Some turtles bear the hunger to bear the thirsty ability to be strong, but several years do not eat not not easily to die.
有些龟耐饥耐渴能力较强, 可几年不食也不易死亡。
If the name is not right then speech will not be in order, and if speech is not in order then nothing will be accomplished.
If the fee is not paid or not paid in full within the time limit,the claim for priority shall be deemed not to have been made.
The abandonment shall not be attached with any conditions. Once the abandonment is accepted by the insurer, it shall not be withdrawn.
委付不得附带任何条件。委付一经保险人接受, 不得撤回。
You should not download nor to install this software as long as you did not read and did not accept the Conditions of use of the software.
在浏览和接受使用条件前, 您不得下载或安装此软件。
Do not attack soldiers whose temper is keen. Do not swallow bait offered by the enemy. Do not interfere with an army that is returning home.
But they gave no attention and would not give ear, but they made their necks stiff so that they might not give ear and might not get teaching.
If the fee is still not paid or not paid in full at the expiration of the time limit, the claim for priority shall be deemed not to have been made.
Wise people are not deluded. Those who know Buddhism are not corrupted. Magnanimous people are not jealous. Serene people are not bothered by adversity.
We are living not to become putrid like vegetation, not to lead a befuddled life as if drunk or in a dream, not to fritter life away. We must amount to something.
Those who display themselves do not illuminate. Those who justify themselves are not distinguished. Those who make claims are not given credit. Those who seek glory are not leaders.
Christ did not die to forgive sinners who go on treasuring anything above seeing and savoring God. And people who would be happy in heaven if Christ were not there, will not be there.
We need books which are alive but not dead; real but not fake; active but not static; for using but not only for reading. In a word, we should be guided by life-based education but not by text-based textbooks.

单词 not 释义

  • 单词释义:不;[用以表示否定、否认、拒绝、禁止等]不是;几乎不;未必,没有[用于否定后面的词或短语]  [更多..]



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