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单词 not 例句大全,用单词not造句:

Do not cry, do not sigh, do not moan. Sad Blowing elapsed time.
If you have not abandon your job, your job will not abandon you.
Erection is not a panacea, but not an erection is absolutely not!
Escaping is not love, straitness is not love, neglect is not love!
Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I am not sleep.
Do not stand at my grave and weep. I an not there. I do not sleep.
不要站在我的墓前为我哭泣, 我不在那里, 我不会睡去。
Anguis fragilis. Not a Worm, Not a Sanke, Not Blind, Not Venomous.
非虫, 非蛇, 不瞎, 不毒的欧洲蛇蜥。
Did not individualize, do not have figure, also do not have appeal.
没有个性, 便没有形象, 也就没有吸引力。
Do not Stand at my graved and weep, I am not there, I do not asleep.
不要站在我的坟前为我哭泣, 我不在那里, 我不曾睡去。
Is not I does not pay attention to you, because I also does not know.
啊!不是我不理会你, 是因为我也不知道。
Not flammable, especially not readily ignited and not rapidly burned.
The Company not false advertising, not subcontractors do not contract.
I may not be smart enough, not gifted, but I am not afraid of hardship.
我可能不够聪明, 没有天分, 但我不怕吃苦。
I'm not saying that I'm not guilty, I'm not saying that I shouldn't pay.
Not education. Not experience. Not knowledge or intellectual horsepower.
To have what ordinary people can not do, dare not to think, do not faith!
要有普通人所不敢做, 所不敢想, 所做不到的信念!
I leave not necessarily do not protect. The protection is not the fetter.
莪离开吥一定就吥守护, 守护乜吥是束缚。
Noneasterly winds did not rain, do not scrape the west wind is not clear.
Although not cloggy on the ground, it did not walk, also not flee meaning.
WITe does one draw line in with those who are not poor and thoseare not not
Prudential is to treat people honestly do not lie, do not copy, do not cheat.
Other people's thing not my fart business, not my horse I do not give a fuck.
别人的事关我屁事, 又不是我马子我管他勒。
Not necessarily. Big is not always ugly just as small is not always beautiful.
Do not play with fire, not to play electric, not to play at a dangerous place.
不玩火, 不玩电, 不去危险的地方玩耍。
If you do not like the assignments, just do not do them, but do not scamp them.
如果你不喜欢分配给你的任务, 干脆不要做, 而不要草率从事。

单词 not 释义

  • 单词释义:不;[用以表示否定、否认、拒绝、禁止等]不是;几乎不;未必,没有[用于否定后面的词或短语]  [更多..]



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