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单词 left 例句大全,用单词left造句:

The left ventricular myocardial masses were raised and left ventricles were in hyperkinetic circulatory state.
The persistent left superior vena cava will drain either in the back of the left atrium or in the coronary sinus.
Diagnostic value of left ventricle contrast echocardiography by intravenous injection in left ventricular thrombus
Folks on the left side of the auditorium control the left paddle. Folks on the right side control the right paddle.
Because of the river's left depositing and right scouring, the Xianfenzhou merged to the left bank becoming frontage.
This procedure can reduce left ventricular volume, increase ejection fraction, and improve left ventricular function.
In the past no tress were left in or around the village. In the past there were no trees left in or around the village.
The left part and the right part of the caudate lobe could be grouped into the left lobe and the right lobe respectively.
So I learned the way the demon plays From this beauty clad in ashen grey How she left me with the fall, left me all alone.
Results Left and right hepatic bile duct lie to the superior anterior board of the left and right trunk of the portal vein.
The branches were the bile duct of the upper segment of the left lateral and the inferior segment of the left lateral lobe.
Evaluation of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation Endpoint in Patients With Left Accessory Pathway by Pacing in Left Ventricle.
Left Heart Geometric Changes and Diastolic Dysfunction in Essential Hypertensive Patients without Left Ventricular Remodeling
Ranae Okay, then turn left on 3rd Street and drive east.The Pink Flamingo is the building just before the river on the left side.
热纳到三街向左转, 再向东走, 该饭店就在河边的左侧。
The effect of percutaneous transcatheter occlusion of left atrial appendage on left atrium and adjacent anatomic structure in canine
cardiopathy resulting from the mitral valve not regulating the flow of blood between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart.
The splenius capitis muscle was found to be significantly different for flexion, left anterolateral flexion, and left lateral flexion.
Inputting single character inputting its codes of top left corner, downright corner, down left corner and top right corner one by one.
The right hand picks out with the sharp chopsticks the stuffing heart the left hand to hide, the left middle finger bends the whereabouts.
右手用尖筷将馅心剔进左手皮子中, 左手中指屈起下落。
Influence of history of myocardial infarction and location of isolated left anterior descending branch stenosis on left ventricular function
But if neither time nor place be known,then the left wing will be impotent to succor the right.the right.equally impotent to succor the left
Correlation between left ventricular filling type and geometry modality and functional change of left ventricle in patients with hypertension
A study of the relationship between left atrial ejection force and left ventricular diastolic function in patients with essential hypertension
The adoption liquid of left right side urn presses the synchronous way, and guarantee the synchronous headway of left right side urn to squeeze.
左右侧缸采用液压同步方式, 保证左右侧缸同步前进挤压。
The manner of daqian (saluting by kneeling on the left knee and slightly bending the right one with the left hand hanging down) is no longer popular in China.

单词 left 释义

  • 单词释义:左边的,左侧的;左派的;剩下的  [更多..]



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