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单词 left 例句大全,用单词left造句:

The rage, it's all that is left to us anyway, all that is left.
愤怒吧这就是我们所能表达的, 也是我们唯一未被剥夺的。
Left anterior division of left branch of atrioventricular bundle
Left heart function during left heart assist with pneumatic pump
Climb to 900m and turn left to enter the left hand down wind leg.
This is the left coronary artery from the aortic root on the left.
Left arm curving up, simultaneously right knee lifting left elbow.
His left brain has nothing right and his right brain has nothing left.
When the Weasley twins left Hogwarts, they left Lee in a bit of a funk.
If your left wrist is affected, do the same exercises with the left hand.
如果您的左手腕是受影响的, 做同样的演习, 与左手。
If the align attribute is set to left the image floats to the left margin.
An only child is often left to his own resources, ie left to amuse himself.
So your left brain has nothing right and your right brain has nothing left.
所以, 你的左脑没有正确的东西, 而你的右脑什么也没留下。
At the caudal pole of the left kidney, search for evidence of a left ovary.
在左肾的尾端极点, 寻找左侧的卵巢。
Slewing left push the handle to the right to revolve the crane to the left.
左转把操纵手柄向右推, 吊机就向左旋转。
You still have one bowl left in this frame, and 8 frames left in this round.
Slant line from upper left to lower right or from upper right to lower left?
Left intrahepatic duct stone, left hepatic cholangiocarcinoma was suspected.
术前诊断左肝内胆管结石, 左肝胆管癌待排。
Much of it was left, and what was left was of the finest and rarest quality.
大部分还留着, 而留着的正是无限美好而珍贵的部分。
Pictures and objects that are center and left align will become left aligned.
We just lost tire pressure on the left outboard and left inboard, both tires.
Hips bend forward, upper body left and right hamstring, left ankle hold hands.
臀部向前弯, 上身朝左腿弯, 两手握住左脚踝。
Can you tell me if the direction of writing is right to left or left to right?
你能告诉我 书写的方向是从右到左还是从左到右?
The left to right diameter of the left hind ankle was observed every two weeks.
Right arm curving top left, simultaneously left knee lifting toward right elbow.
Ed OK. Turn left at Lankershim Avenue and make another left at Collette Boulevard.
艾德好。先在兰克新姆街向左转, 然后在卡列特大道再左转。

单词 left 释义

  • 单词释义:左边的,左侧的;左派的;剩下的  [更多..]



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