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单词 keeper 例句大全,用单词keeper造句:

The Biological Record Keeper sits on the side of the neck until initiation 3000.
The bar keeper threw them out, but they continued to wrangle on down the street.
Several times we played the ball back from advanced positions to keeper Alexander.
有几次, 我们把球从前场踢给守门员亚历山大。
Likes To Lob Keeper Likes to attempt to lob the keeper when the opportunity arises.
The tenor drum is the"time-keeper",announcing the basic meter of the song.
Defender Jonathan Zebina is expected to go to Milan in a straight swap for the keeper.
And Jehu said to the keeper of the wardrobe, 'Bring robes for all the ministers of Baal.
耶户吩咐掌管礼服的人说, 拿出礼服来, 给一切拜巴力的人穿。
In the flickering candlelight, they dimly saw a watermelon keeper lying on a bamboo bed.
It was in this year that a fatal accident occurred to the lighthouse keeper and his crew.
I heard that a grave-keeper's life is not only poor and lonely, but also a bit dangerous.
We were on top, we created some good chances and their keeper made a couple of good saves.
制造了几个好几回, 他们的门将也做出了不错的扑救。
The influence of two different casting temperatures on properties of the incorporated keeper
Picture showing the carbiner out of the system, and the keeper becoming the load bearing device.
照片显示了主锁脱离系统, 胶套承重。
The garden keeper handled the white sail, lightly, singing the first lamentations in the darkness.
Design on the keeper of magnetic attachment Investigation on the Extra Travel of a Picking Mechanism
However, Louis Saha's subsequent penalty was brilliantly saved by Celtic's Polish keeper Artur Boruc.
The keeper's essential task was trimming the lantern wick in order to maintain a steady, bright flame.
The keeper who limped off the field in the game against Atalanta suffered from great pain in his thigh.
I was trying to drill the ball across the keeper and instead they were curling it towards the top corner.
我是想钻穿越门将球, 反而被冰壶接近顶部的角落里。
Vidas also developed a great understanding with his keeper, Edwin van der Sar, which cant be underestimated.
Gen 42 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
创42又生了该隐的兄弟亚伯。亚伯是牧羊的, 该隐是种地的。
Chelsea keeper Petr Cech has surgery for a depressed fracture of the skull after he was injured against Reading.
The former Atletico Madrid keeper is wasting little time becoming integrated at United and adapting to his new surroundings.
Ronnie and his aunt are tending the Tern Rock lighthouse for two weeks in December while its keeper takes a muchneeded vacation.
And Andrea, gliding through the court like a black shadow, rushed out through the wicket, leaving his comrades, and even the keeper, lost in wonder.

单词 keeper 释义

  • 单词释义:看守人;负责人;饲养员  [更多..]



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