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单词 keep 例句大全,用单词keep造句:

Did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy, and will the money and fame outlast me.
Keep the line with a tray,put a knife,a fork and a piece of paper napkin on it.
Keep in a sewing basket or tote where you keep the rest of your stitching supplies.
This is where we keep babies that have been abandoned or are being put up for adoption.
Who can keep from talking about others? Who can keep from being talked about by others?
谁人背后无人说, 哪个人前不说人?
I wish the old man always happy and healthy, keep doodle these cute painting to the area.
祝福老阿伯长命百岁, 身体健康, 一直画这些可爱的图案。
Coconut fibre mat have the firm soil, keep wet, scatter abort the water current, function.
People carrying the front of a sedan chair keep shouting for others to keep out of the way.
轿子前, 喝道的人不停的叫喊着让行人回避。
She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.
I will keep away from rowdy places. I will not ask about things that are abnormal or unusual.
避免去斗争或胡闹的场所, 绝不过问邪恶或不正常的事情。
One of our guiding principles in doing business is to abide by contracts and keep good faith.
Accomplish abide by contract keep good faith, ensure finish manufacturing jobschedule on time.
完成重协议守信义, 保证按期按时结束岀产项目。
She has been hurt so badly, I'm worried she may not be able to keep her feelings under control.
Cadres in Charge of Organizational Work should Keep Honesty, Raise Ability and Cultivate Lenience
组工干部要讲正气, 增才气, 养大气
As the bowls keep coming, the abbot is careful to point out that he normally eats very plain food.
菜不断地被端上来, 方丈矜持地说自己吃饭一般很简单。
They could only keep carrying on the scar, keep moving around, keep being everlasting in dizziness.
Study is like sailing against the current; either you keep forging ahead or you keep falling behind.
If you prefer to sit on a chair, keep your legs relaxed, and be sure always to keep your back straight.
若你想坐在椅子上, 脚要放松, 背要挺直。
In order to keep your insurance rates down, it is important to keep your driving record as clean as possible.
Do not linger to gather flower to keep them, byt walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your ways.
何必为脚下的鲜花踌躇, 他们将沿着你的征程盛开。
Keep its original feature of hill body, made it according to its hypsography, as possible as to keep its original relief.
Keep me as the apple of an eye Hide me under the shadow of thy wings Keep me as the apple of an eye Hide me, hide me, hide me
I keep wondering why all these catalogs keep showing up in my mailbox when emailing me about new products is so much cheaper.
When you pass the grade of reckoning by abacus, you may keep the psychology of Wallenda and it is in favor of exerting your level.
珠算通级时保持瓦伦达心态, 有利于水平得发挥。
These guys at this bar must be really desperate and have no game. They keep going to different tables to hit on girls, but they keep getting shut down lol.

单词 keep 释义

  • 单词释义:保持;继续;不退还;保留;保守;存放;遵守;记下;供养;饲养;保护;开设;使耽误;保持不坏;保持健康;守门  [更多..]



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