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单词 hun 例句大全,用单词hun造句:

Gouges of the Hun River Fault in Fushun Open Pit and Their Engineering Significance
Media reports say General Yutthasak will also meet Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.
It was conceivable that how lonely Wang Zhaojun felt after she had been sent to Hun.
Study of ecological instream flow of the Hun River and Taizi River in Liao River Basin
辽河流域浑河, 太子河生态需水量研究
Thanks hun, yea i didnt want to get it on my stomach. Saving that for something else.
Effect of surface water quality in hun he shenyang section qitaizi bridge on aquatic life
The Contrast of the Animal Designs on the Gold and Silver Utensils of Hun and Xianbei Peoples
Prime Minister Hun Sen ordered an investigation and declared Thursday a national day of mourning.
It is the practice of zou hun walking marriage that makes this community as a lakeside love haven.
In Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen ordered a ban on rice exports to curb rising prices at home.
Cambodias prime minister, Hun Sen, sought to playdown the fighting as a dispute between neighbours.
The time from earlier Qin to Qin and Han dynasty, was the important period for the formation ofthe Han and Hun.
King Sihanouk had ever said In front of me, Hun Sen is only a sucking junior, but he is absolutely a practical person.
在本国现在的领导人中, 只有洪森才是真正的政坛强人。
Ben people walk no change name, sit no change xing, big nameding ding , call wind call rain, Im riber lake small hun hun!
我正想问包月多少钱时, 你很坚毅的举手说老师, 我办年卡!
Hun Sen completed his initiatory education in a temple and he only accepted a normal education only for less than 8 years.
Ben people stand no change name, sit no change xing, big name ding ding, call wind call rain, Im river lake small hun hun!
The stone gulf male Zi glaze has an unique style, enamel color the Hun is thick and rich in hues and the shape is vivid and vivid portrayal.

单词 hun 释义

  • 单词释义:n.匈奴,破坏者,野人  [更多..]



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