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单词 however 例句大全,用单词however造句:

However, it is clear that this prohibition increases the rate of illegal abortion.
The Group was unable, however, to establish the scale of abduction and enslavement.
However girls reported they had suffered abuse more repeatedly and at a younger age.
但报告显示, 女孩遭受的虐待更为频繁, 而且发生的时间更早。
Mr. Bush did, however, allude to his and the Catholic Churchs opposition to abortion.
However, most of us would prefer to refuse to absorb torrents, this is not It'strange
然而我们大多宁愿吸收而不肯奔流, 这不是很奇怪吗?
He has already died. However skilled a doctor may be, he won't be able to change that.
Molten hydride is, however liable to embrittle titanium alloys by hydrogen absorption.
但是, 熔融氢化物容易吸收氢而使钛合金脆化。
However a hundred flowers bloom is no longer mentioned and has, in fact, been abandoned.
可是, 现在百花齐放不提了, 没有了, 这就是割裂。
However, the impacts of absolute elevation on different types of barnacle were different.
However, it is not acceptable to ask someone what their ss salary abundance cash them do!
但是, 要是问对方薪水是多少, 那就不可接受了!
However all kinds of abuse of history have come in sight after the alienation of history.
但自从史学发生异化以后, 各种历史的滥用和误用, 层出不穷。
However, despite his opposition to the slavery system, he himself was not an abolitionist.
However, the horse rode by the lady of the Guo State is absolutely another sort of animal.
However repeats ideas, the opinion not to drift with the current actually abandons for her.
然而人云亦云, 毫无主见地随波逐流却为她所摈弃。
Longterm outcomes for the planktonic abundance of these three phyla are different, however.
This year, however, we have been unable to do so and have abstained on the draft resolution.
但今年我们未能这样做, 因此对决议草案投了弃权票。
However, who can know, this female general is child bride one's previous experience however.
然而, 谁能知道, 这位女将军却是童养媳出身。
However, the most supernatural function of almond is to arrest the body to absord the energy.
However, the background music from the lively rhythm, Ge You cry of absolute truths otherwise.
不过, 从背景音乐欢快的节奏来看, 葛优的哭绝对另有玄机。
However, the number of people engaged in financial industry far more than the absolute number.
然而, 从事理财行业的人数绝对远不止这个数量。
Nevertheless, a cloth and he the arrival of that houseboat, broke former some however halcyon.
Any single abnormal test, however, generally indicates that fertility potential has diminished.
但仅有一次检验结果异常, 通常也说明生育能力已经衰退。
However, the absence of the original public relations success, there will not be todays wanton.
然而, 如果没有当初的公关成功, 也不会有今日的肆无忌惮。
However, the absolute perfection has never been achieved and, of course, can never be achieved!
然而, 绝对的完美却始终未达到, 当然也永远无法达到!
However, that reduction is only shortterm, and not an absolute solution for eliminating malodor.

单词 however 释义

  • 单词释义:然而;不管怎样;…左右  [更多..]



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