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单词 however 例句大全,用单词however造句:

However, the peacock although is virulent, cannot abandon the article.
Consequently, however, freelancers must be able to tolerate isolation.
This right to defend oneself without a lawyer is, however not absolute.
However, it is abundantly evident that Molly loves her family very much.
However, 9 months after she was abducted she was found and returned home.
However, the Internet is also used for abusive and even illegal purposes.
但是, 互联网也被滥用了, 甚至用于不合法的目的。
However, the story of Onan has absolutely nothing to do with masturbating.
However, it does not require an absorbed vapour layer to become effective.
However, there is again hope for this badly abused and misunderstood word.
However, all my efforts to locate the possible next of kin proved abortive.
但是, 所有我的努力找出可能下家族证明了失败。
However, development of the Section was hampered by the absence of a chief.
然而, 科长职位空缺妨碍了该科的发展。
They did not, however, advocate the abolition of slavery by violent measures.
他们没有, 但是, 主张废除奴隶制的暴力的措施。
Versatility becomes advantageous, however, when the weather changes abruptly.
然而当气候骤然改变时, 变化性就会成为一项长处。
However, in all of these cases, abstinence may also be practiced voluntarily.
However, it has also been blamed for carrying abuse about students and tutors.
但是, 该站点也因对学生和教师进行毁谤而受指责。
However, as a human it is impossible to absolutely isolate himself from others.
可是做人也不能完全地离群索居, 不与其它人接触。
The main thing, however, was to find a new direction for her abundant energies.
However to prevent abuse he was allowed to bring back only 1.5 asas he brought.
But exceeding desire is not happy, however ego abandon, abandon oneself to vice.
但过度的欲望不是幸福, 而是自我放纵, 自甘堕落。
To abolish it, however, preparations must be made and the necessary steps taken.
However, collect a source to maintaining mourn in silence like bus hill however.
然而, 汇源却像大巴山一样保持着静默。
There was no real difference in childrens absenteeism among the schools, however.
至于三所小学的学童缺席率, 则无明显差异。
However, as a human it is impossible to absolutely isolate himself from others.
He returns, however want to get lovely woman for wife, go over lifetime abidingly.
Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.
故兵闻拙速, 未睹巧之久也。

单词 however 释义

  • 单词释义:然而;不管怎样;…左右  [更多..]



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