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单词 hooked 例句大全,用单词hooked造句:

By the crook the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies.
By the brook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies.
至少这是我的想法, 它让我如此虚弱, 我永远无法撼动。
Getting the average person hooked on physics can pose something of a challenge.
要叫普通老百姓喜欢上物理, 这算得上是一个挑战吧。
Janet held her purse in one hand with the knitting basked hooked over her wrist.
Treatment of 30 cases of vascular headache with Scorpion Hooked Uncaria Decoction
Motility and Mechanical Analysis of the Hooked Structural Latches with Cam Mechanism
He took this swarm of actors and randomly hooked them up into an interacting network.
Macaws have sharp, hooked bills which are perfect for eating nuts, fruits, and seeds.
金刚鹦鹉有高调, 钩住对吃的坚果, 水果和种子是完美的帐单。
Yoshiaki Miyamoto hooked just one eel on his morning stint on Lake Biwa, near Kyoto.
B yy the crook, the cook looked thro lqfyry gh a cookbook before making hooked cookies.
The girl continued to lie there like Sleeping Beauty, hooked up to her various machines.
The uniform mixing action and hooked fiber hook problem of a carding machine are discussed.
Coarse herbs having small heads of greenish flowers followed by burrs with hooked bristles.
一个粗糙草本属, 头状花序, 呈绿色的花, 钩状刺毛。
Treatment of fracture of clavicle using internal fixation with double hooked Kirschner wires
See above the nice, flat DC output after a capacitor is hooked up between Pos and Neg outputs.
为了帮助理顺直流可在这里, 一个电容都可以使用。
Previously, Sheila caught a giant albino catfish of 87kg which was the largest one ever hooked.
希拉此前还钓过有史以来体重最大的白鲶鱼, 重约87公斤。
usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic sounds
usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic sounds.
The man who is obsessed with his job is just as hooked as the alcoholic, the junkie, or the compulsive gambler.
被工作迷了心窍的人和酒鬼, 吸毒者或惯赌都一样瘾头很大。
The man who is obssessed with his job is just as hooked as the alcoholic, the junkie, or the compulsive gambler.
When Ender reached the corner, Alai had hooked his arms through two adjacent handholds and was pretending to doze.
Few of us can survive for more than 30 minutes without being hooked up to a cell or Black Berry at the very least.
我们很少人能至少脱离手机, 或即时通信装置超过30分钟。
I got hooked on Water Balloon Drop, but there's also online poker, trivia games and even an Austin Powers dancing game.
Acromioclavicular hooked steel plate in treating dislocation of acromioclavicular joint and fracture of lateral segment of clavicle
The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair. Its muscles are such that it is quits incapable of moving at a speed of over a kilometer an hour even over the shortest distances and the swiftest movement it can make is a sweep of its hooked arm.
其制作如此精巧, 几乎可以以假乱真。

单词 hooked 释义

  • 单词释义:钩状的;钩织成的;吸毒成瘾的;着了迷的  [更多..]



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