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单词 japan 例句大全,用单词japan造句:

Yong An Culture of the War of Resistance Against Japan is the Forward Direction of the Advanced Culture
On the diplomatic thought towards Japan of Huang Zunxian during the time when he was stationed in Japan
I will appreciate your contact me through Mr. T. Takeda of the oriental trading company in Tokyo, Japan.
An Evaluation of the Performance of the Army Knocked Together During the War of Resistance Against Japan
We want to be a lot more than Japan, a lot cleaner (in Government) and a lot more effective than Japan.'
Servo motor control system Imported from Japan Panasonic, provide accurate displacement and speed control.
Affect of the Students to Go to Japan for Studying in Late Qing Dynasty for Our Country's Social Transform
As Japan and Russia the outbreak of the war, northeast Asia situation more and more complicated and diversified.
随着日俄战争的爆发, 东北亚局势愈加复杂和多样化。
The Anniversary of the Outbreak out of the War of Resistance Against Japan in the Period of Democratic Revolution
Norway and Japan have announced their intention to continue whaling for" scientific research" purposes.
The article makes a comparison of the different modes and requirements of fine arts classes between China and Japan.
The Tactic adopted by the CPC in The Work Towards The Bandits During The War of All The Chinese People Resisted Against Japan.
I was devastated after watching the video clips about the tsunami in Japan. My prayers go out to all the people who were affected.
The Red Army will unreservedly be the first to join this united army and fulfil its duty in resisting Japan and saving the nation.
The armed forces and the people led by the Communist Party have already become the mainstay in the War of Resistance Against Japan.
The trade ministers of China, Japan and South Korea have agreed to step up efforts towards forming a trilateral free trade agreement.
More than 2,000 boats from the U.S., Russia, Japan, Norway, China, Poland and the Koreas haul in an annual catch worth about $1 billion.
Therefore, the political and economic relationships of the United States and Japan with the Southeast Asian countries need to be readjusted.
We are licensed for imports and exports, and our products are popular in markets as far afield as Korea, Japan, Europe and the Americas.
Researchers at Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industry have built an artificial fish to test whether the oscillating fins of fish would provide that control.
The Movement to Resist Japanese Aggression and Save the Country Launched by the Students Studied in Japan before the War of Resistance Against Japan Broke out in An Allround Way
Although Swiss inventor Wim Ouboter is credited with the Micro scooter's revamped design, scooter fever first hit Japan, where entire magazines are now devoted to scooter arcana.
Since its introduction in Japan a decade ago, Dita soon became a storm on the liqueur market, thanks to its distinctive lychee aroma, mysterious orient verve feminine sensuality.
Near the end of October, 1999, Nissan, Japan's second largest carmaker, announced that it would shut five plants, cut ties to hundreds of suppliers, and - gasp! - let go of 21,000 workers.
Indeed, there are still structural obstacles to a dramatic overhaul of Japan's corporations. Accounting systems aren't easily understood, bankruptcy laws are inadequate, the judicial process is slow.

单词 japan 释义

  • 单词释义:黑色亮漆,日本亮漆;(日本式)漆器  [更多..]



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