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单词 japan 例句大全,用单词japan造句:

China appreciates such a position and is also ready to work with Japan to this end.
中方对此表示赞赏, 也愿与日方为此作出共同努力。
We are empty of believe in unexpectedly an accident of flow to arrive Japan island.
Kier heatexchanger manufacture according to highest industrial standard U.S.A Japan.
规范制作, 高强度耐高压筒身及热交换器。
The Paraguayan ambassador to Japan previously was concurrently ambassador to Taipei.
The Kuomintang was unwilling to resist Japan and fought Japan only under compulsion.
Japan's man in Taiwan called on the Taiwanese captain, but offered no formal apology.
The Diao Yu archipelago is a suspending issue of sovereignty between China and Japan.
钓鱼群岛问题, 是中日之间悬而未决的领土主权争议问题。
Though the United States and Japan had been bitter enemies, they became strong allies.
An Exploration into the Translation of History Textbooks of China and Asia from Japan.
The theme of this activity is the communication of tea culture between China and Japan.
Japan oil deal with trench, acidification oil, and 50 tons of animal and vegetable oils.
日处理地沟油 酸化油 及动植物油50吨。
He took advantage of his summer vacation by coming over to Japan together with his wife.
吴先生利用这次的暑假, 与太太一起来到我们学校。
The Historic Bilateral Talks Between Korea and Japan and the Framework of Northeast Asia
The Ainu had Japan's northern Hokkaido Island nearly to themselves for hundreds of years.
The Comparison Study with the System of Travel Agency Entering Rules between China and Japan
St Anniversary of Victory in the War of Resistance Aginst Japan and the World Antifascist War
Product or to a Japan or Europe and the United States name, appearance also tried to imitate.
And it came out that Ricardian Equivalence Theorem is not applicable both in China and Japan.
Industrial Explosives and Its Development Process and Present Situation in USA, Japan and China
Please help Korea and Japan to achieve their desired wishes and dreams with your precious ideas.
The National Spirit is Motive Power of Victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan Aggression
The relations between the DPRK and Japan are, in essence, those between a victim and an assailant.
Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea on the joint development of the continental shelf
Support the international peace front and oppose the front of aggression of Germany, Japan and Italy.
拥护国际和平阵线, 反对德日意侵略阵线。
You think Japan is going to win the world cup? I think you’ve been drinking more than just Kool-Aid.

单词 japan 释义

  • 单词释义:黑色亮漆,日本亮漆;(日本式)漆器  [更多..]



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