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单词 its 例句大全,用单词its造句:

When a chariot passes, it will bury its head in arms, and use its hands to cover its ears.
A raccoon, its nose against the wire of its cage, poked its fingers inquisitively through.
The government had to cut its coat according to its cloth in order to lower taxes that year
Wish to actualize its beautiful and last instant moment forever its body smashed to pieces.
愿在粉身碎骨中实现他的美丽, 瞬间的永恒。
Diamond can be highly polished to its adamantine luster due to its extremely high hardness.
由于极高的硬度, 钻石能够很好抛光体现金刚光泽。
literature regarded for its aesthetic value rather than its didactic or informative content
They appreciate its honesty, its uncompromising exactness, the austere beauty of its prose.
The Committee adopted its draft report and thus concluded its consideration of agenda item8.
Literature regarded for its aesthetic value rather than its didactic or informative content.
The government might be obliged to put its money where its mouth is to prove its commitment.
Switzerland is famed for its physical beauty, its mountains and lakes, its crisp, clean air.
War, with its fear, its deprivation, its excitement and violence makes for a very heady brew.
and do it in terms of its affordability, add skill volumes, its performance and its durability.
在提高可购性 增加技能卷,提高性能和耐用性方面努力
The advance its matter must benefit first its, expects losing weight, starts first from clothes.
预先行其事必先利其器嘛, 预想瘦身, 先从衣服做起。
Carbon isotope was bascally not related to its thermal maturity, but was affected by its origin.
Each takes its place, does its duties, fulfill its aspirations and abide by the social morality.
It was majestic in beauty, with its spreading boughs, for its roots went down to abundant waters.
树大条长, 成为荣美, 因为根在众水之旁。
The table and its articles, the pure gold lampstand and all its accessories, the altar of incense
The pressure of a gas is proportional to its absolute temperature when its volume remains constant.
At its closing plenary meeting, on24 January2003 the Commission adopted its agreed recommendations.
It gives prominence to its productions advantage and its competitive strength among craft brothers.
The creature that has the better perception of its environment will enjoy an advantage over its rival.
The University is proud of its campus and will continue to do its utmost to preserve its unique beauty.
But the hide of the bull and all its flesh with its head and its legs and its entrails and its refuse,.
The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nourse.

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