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单词 iula 例句大全,用单词iula造句:

Neoproterozoic slumping deposit in the Liulaobei Formation in the north of Anhui and its implication
Application of Bacillus Licheniformis in Niulanshan Erguotou Base Liquor Production
The Liulan girl stands still on the boat
Niulang crept out of his hiding place, picked up Zhinu's clothes and ran away.
牛郎偷偷地爬出来, 拿起织女的衣服跑开了。
There is a romantic folk tale for that day about the meeting of Niulang and Zhinu.
民间有一个浪漫的传说, 是说牛郎和织女将在这一天相会。
Zhinu was forced back to heaven, but Niulang pursued her with the help of a magic ox.
织女被迫返回天庭, 但是牛郎骑着一头神牛在后面追赶。

单词 iula 释义

  • 单词释义:世界地方自治联盟  [更多..]



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