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Anita Mui is different form Elsie Leung. She is sick that does affect the public, it is only the public is nosy.
她不是公仆, 只是公众人物, 公众人物的私隐, 是应受保护的
There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability.It is the ability to recognize ability.
But I want to put a caveat on my argument, and that caveat is that it is not true that aid is always destructive.
但是我想补充说明一点 援助并不都是破坏性的
This is a pity, because noise abatement really is a good cause, and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be
这是件憾事, 因为减少
It is essential to explain clearly to them what is right and what is wrong, what is beneficial and what is harmful.
要把是非讲清楚, 要把利害讲清楚。
They say love is blind, but I think love is deaf. My brother is being used by this girl, but he never listens to me!
Advantage of the algorithm is that scope of generating new nodes is small, and concept lattice is quickly constructed.
此算法的优点是生成新节点的范围小, 构建概念格的速度快。
He is alert in character, exhibits intelligence in expression, is buoyant in deportment, and is inquisitive by nature.
他具有警惕的性格, 聪明的表情, 轻快的举止和好奇的天性。
The gods are not to be feared. Death is nothing to worry about. Good is easy to attain. The fearful is easy to endure.
Amorous it is foolish, merciless most cruel, spoony it is clumsy, absolutely affection is to know the ways of the world.
But caution is required when the fetter is adopted, Oxidation number is still a chemical concept for further perfection.
when the air is exhausted by the adsorption tower, a filled molecular sieve is desorbed, and the oxygen is not provided.
吸附塔排气时, 所充填的分子筛解吸, 不提供氧气。
Because the girder construction is difficult and the technology request is high, so triangle truss style cradle is adopted.
Cutter replacement time can be reduced if this kind of chuck is adopted, and its operation is convenient, quality is reliable.
采用这种夹头可减少换刀时间, 操作简便, 质量可靠。
Buddha is in the middle of the altar is Xiangmo as Sakyamuni, is the left side of the Maitreya, the Buddha is on the right side.
佛坛的正中间是降魔释迦像, 左边是弥勒佛, 右边是阿弥陀佛。
stomach is channal for absorbing nutrition for life. thus it is part of life. sometimes, it is necessary to recede life for working!
Well, then, is it not better to use what is in thy power like a free man than to desire in a slavish and abject way what is not in thy power
因为肯定, 如果他们能与人合作, 他们也能在这些方面合作。
Adult blood pressure is considered normal at 120/ 80 where the first number is the systolic pressure and the second is the diastolic pressure.
成年人的血压正常值是120/ 80,第一个数字是心脏收缩压,而第二个数字是心脏舒张压。
The disease since vomiting is urgent suddenly, chang Xianyou is disgusting, a vomiting of afterwards, puke is gastric content content more.
Capillary artemisia is abluent decoct juice, after entering rice, add water right amount, white sugar is added when congee is become right amount.
茵陈洗净煎汁, 入粳米后, 加水适量, 粥成时加白糖适量。
Glaze is allover inside and outside, the bottom is supported with five support pins, and there is royal poem written by Emperor Qianlong carved later.
What is the most valuable commercially is not to be found on the surface of the earth, nor is anything else really worth having to be obtained without trouble.
好鱼水底游。好鱼难捕, 宝物难得。
There is nothing more visible than what is secret, and nothing more manifest than what is minute. Therefore the superior man is watchful over himself, when he is alone.
莫见乎隐, 莫显乎微。故君子慎其独也。
What is always difficult in life is not so much that we influence and change others, the most difficult question is to change yourself in accordance with the conditions that you confront.
While reading, at the beginning of reading, suspects are unknown. Doubts come about gradually, and then doubts are everywhere. After this stage, doubts are cleared up and mastery is achieved through a comprehensive study of the subject. Eventually there is no doubt, and that is called"study".

单词 is 释义

  • 单词释义: ;prep.是 [域] Iceland ,冰岛 [军] Internal Security,治安  [更多..]



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