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So, if there is no set is to be added, is fill numerous complementary.
To err is human, adverse is inevitable, not from them is unforgivable.
The question is whether he is alive or dead. There is no trace of him.
the mountain is rare, the water is beautiful, the valley is dangerous.
This is what is love ah, this is not frame a brazier grill man Kill do?
This is the position, this is its velocity and this is its acceleration.
这是位置, 这是速度, 然后是加速度。
She will know that she is loved. That is what Mother's day is all about.
Allah is Ghefor, Allah is Rahim, Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin.
The dark room is a heaven, is the hell, is rehearsal room, is the family!
暗房是天堂, 是地狱, 是排练房, 是家!
Floor dispute is not little it is to result from advertisement is disloyal.
So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.
It is told that it is incorrect that others there is, also it is very stupid.
告诉别人这是错误的, 也很傻。
Spring is warm, summer is hot, autumn is cool, and winter is chilly and cold.
春季温暖, 夏季热, 秋季凉爽,
Sad it is what feeling, aching it is what feeling, heartbreak what feeling is.
Sad it is what feeling, aching it is what feeling. What feeling is heartbreak.
The road is being paved in front, and that is why it is blocked time and again.
What is irritating about love is that it is a crime that requires an accomplice.
Be being done too early is martyr, the time that make is right it is precursory.
We must not is complacent about our achievements there is still a lot to is done.
我们绝不能满足於自己的成绩, 还有很多事情要做。
If impulse is weak, foresight may conquer This is what is called acting on reason.
如果冲动弱下来, 预见就可能取胜, 这就是所谓的按理性办事。
Its area is about920 sq.m. It is at ground level and is accessible from Tanner Road.
Postscript Perhaps this is a dream, whether it is true or false, after all, is love.
后记也许这是一场梦, 不管是真的还是虚的, 毕竟是有爱的。
Linguistic competence Language is expressed the ability is strong, English is skilled.
语言能力语言表达能力强, 英语熟练。
The advantage is especially obvious time is limited and the working condition is hard.
在工程紧和施工条件差的情况下, 其优势更加明显。
Allen is exercising, the exercise he is doing is the sixth set of broadcast gymnastics.
艾伦正在做操, 他做的是第六套广播体操。

单词 is 释义

  • 单词释义: ;prep.是 [域] Iceland ,冰岛 [军] Internal Security,治安  [更多..]



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