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单词 interestingly 例句大全,用单词interestingly造句:

Interestingly, the decision to coarsen can be made independent to the number of threads contending for the locks.
Interestingly, in a study of elderly men and women, those who had more education actually had more brain shrinkage.
Interestingly, research has shown that there is little correlation between the perception and the experience of corruption.
The space was stocked with $150 a pair jeans, but more interestingly, one-third of the floor was devoted entirely to the T-shirt.
Interestingly, Goose says both Thailand and Cambodia now indicate they are taking steps to accede to the Convention in the near future.
Interestingly enough, despite her strong cockney accent and vernacular, one can often hear aspects of each of those singers vocal repertoire in Winehouses own voice.
尽管如此, 她真正的吸引力还是来自于她的歌曲创作。

单词 interestingly 释义



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