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And perhaps most interestingly, can you ascend right up and create environments?
Interestingly, it's done a crossover before, but not the crossovers that matter.
Interestingly, in the face of the apparent blackmail, Ferrari is finding support.
有趣的是, 在面临明显的讹诈, 法拉利是寻找支持。
Interestingly, once Faith's account got really big, things apparently went south.
有趣的是, 一旦费思的账户变大了, 事情明显就变坏了。
So, more interestingly, I'm interested in how we can take that in a more dynamic way.
更有趣的是 我想把这个功能变得更强大一点
And interestingly, from an identity standpoint, what does it mean to have a disability?
很有趣的是,从一个身份角度 残疾意味着什么?
The druid so far can turn into a bear, condor, and most interestingly, a neutral critter.
目前能变成熊, 秃鹫和更有趣的中立生物。
Interestingly, Confucius was shown to have dialogues with Lao Tze, the founder of Taoism.
Interestingly, some disease patterns among children resemble infectious disease epidemics.
Interestingly, Martin Lee agreed, and supported the continuation of our trade relationship.
有趣的是, 李柱铭同意并支持我们延续两国的贸易关系。
Interestingly, those who argued actually saw a lower rise in their morning cortisol levels.
Among other things, this reflects interestingly on the way we think about asset categories.
And interestingly, the author of the lab resume experiment offered some sort of a solution.
有趣的是那个实验室简历实验的作者 提出了一些解决方案
But interestingly, Anonymous does not make use of its hacked information for financial gain.
但有趣的是 匿名者从来不用他们所盗取的信息 进行营利
Interestingly, just a few months ago, I spotted the same monk attending a Pure Land retreat.
有趣的是, 就在几个月前, 我又遇见他参加净土静修。
Interestingly, a number of villagers adopted the technologies at their own expense and effort.
Interestingly, he is still unable to defeat Grey Wolf a fist fight except for rare incidences.
每逢拳脚之争, 他都还不一定斗得过灰太狼咧。
Interestingly, Sun Zi advocated understanding the weather first before understanding the terrain.
Interestingly, it seemed to correspond more or less to Jung's four subdivisions of human thought.
有趣的是,其恰好和 荣格的四类人类思维相吻合。
Interestingly, he is still unable to defeat Grey Wolf in a fist fight except for rare incidences.
Interestingly there was no difference seen between the free will condition and the neutral condition.
有趣的是, 自由意志条件和中性条件之间并没显著差异。
David Ko will be taking over mobile, reporting to Schneider interestingly enough rather than to Balogh.
认识我有一段时间, 知道我这个人靠谱不靠谱
And interestingly enough, there are pockets of futureless language speakers situated all over the world.
有意思的是,没有将来时态的语言 全球各地都有。
Interestingly enough, this should encourage the VC to work expeditiously on getting the transaction done.
Interestingly, the commentary advises the US to be pragmatic towards the actual conditions of Afghanistan.
有趣地是, 评论建议美国对阿富汗的实际情况是实事求是的。

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