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单词 maximize 例句大全,用单词maximize造句:

Screen surface using filters, filter cloth, can maximize the recovery of coal, solid high recovery.
筛面采用滤网, 滤布等, 可最大限度回收精煤, 固体回收率高。
Therefore, it is clear that there is a need to improve and maximize transparency and accountability.
因此, 显然有必要改善和最大限度地提高透明度和责任制。
The big challenge is figuring out how to design the air intakes to maximize airflow over the fuselage.
Cashmere enterprises should maximize to improve qualities of dehairing cashmere from integral process.
The bomb was packed with nails and shrapnel in order to maximize the pain and suffering of its victims.
炸弹里面装有钉子和榴散弹, 目的是加大受害者的痛苦。
It is widespread trend to flowing people's behavior choose that pursuing unit time top result maximize.
Chrysler continues to evaluate these proposals in an effort to maximize the value of the Viper business.
Coated waterway in the seat area is smooth, free of cavities and unobstructed thru port to maximize flow.
New systems must maximize the role of ecological mechanisms and emphasize the use of renewable resources.
Combined surface and underground mining is a kind of valid way to maximize the recovery mineral resources.
The objective of the feeding program immediately before mating is to maximize the number of eggs ovulated.
Nor do institutions maximize the effectiveness of the individuals thus aggregated, except as an afterthought.
The leather-goods maker is exactly the type of company Arnault knows how to maximize: a hot name with tightly held licensing and underexploited accessories markets.

单词 maximize 释义

  • 单词释义:最大化,使(某事物)增至最大限度;极为重视;[数学]解函数的最大值;最大限度利用(某事物)  [更多..]



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