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单词 save 例句大全,用单词save造句:

Rescript, after been write, save, come out to hint again mistake, say to be lost again.
It will save you also from the adulteress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words
智慧要救你脱离淫妇, 就是那油嘴滑舌得外女。
With the Internet, you have an advantage, says Costa, because you can save your messages.
Her findings didn't support one of the favorite arguments advance to save the rainforests.
Did the Obama administration overstep its powers in an effort to save the ailing automaker?
The Obama administration is fighting to win credibility for its efforts to save the economy.
The subcontract practising quota system, may save transaction cost, so it is accepted widely.
分包实行定额制, 可以节约交易费用, 被企业广为接受。
Just regret after don't wait until to miss, just want to save after don't wait until to lose.
Everyone has the accountability to save water and to propagate the concept of treasuring water.
One thing every lifeguard knows is that you can't save anybody who's trying to save themselves.
每一个救生员都知道, 你要救的人要是想自救, 你就救不了他。
Since there was no way to save the ship and its cargo, the captain issued the order to abandon ship.
眼见拯救船只是和船上货物无望, 船长发出了弃船令。
Classic words Get free Meet friend It take a strong man to save himself, a great man to save another.
Prosthetic graft is an effective operation to maximally save the blood supply for the affected extremity.
人工血管移植术疗效确定, 能最大限度保证患肢血供
If Jesus reached out to save a man whose crimes had condemned him to die, he will surely save you and me.
We should develop the sunshine project actively, it can save energy resources as well as reduce pollution.
The meaning of quick is to save time, realize the breakthrough, gain the advantage and finally win the game.
With a program like Image Ready, which comes bundled with Adobe Photoshop, you can use a Save for Web utility.
要解决这个问题, 需要缩小图片尺寸或者是降低图片分辨率。
adopted power save , shadow less , flash less ring formed bright fluorescent tube has no bad effect to vision.
采用节能, 无影, 无闪烁环型光亮灯管, 不会影响视力。
And then save bamboo, with the thumb, food two finger press after kneading assemble bamboo acupuncture point36.
To help comrades who have made mistakes, we should adopt the approach of curing the sickness to save the patient.
Simultaneously, it can save the acquired data record for analysis and check at any moment whether system is running.
同时将采集的数据存盘, 以备系统运行时随时查阅和分析。
you save me? what have you done to save me? the driver retorted, and a few of the passengers were quietly laughing away.
你救我?你救我什麽了?女司机矢口否认, 引得几个乘客窃笑。
Save as aforesaid all representations, conditions and warranties of whatsoever nature are hereby excluded and extinguished.
This living community adopts roof greening measures which are environmental-friendly, pleasing to the eye, and can save space.
Its achievement should be mainly shown in the following several aspects First, the generous save that offered to the ancient Chinese prose.

单词 save 释义

  • 单词释义:救;攒钱;节省,节约;保留,保存;收集;避免;救球  [更多..]



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