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单词 save 例句大全,用单词save造句:

The whole hospital was galvanized into action to save the wounded.
Using carry save addition, the delay can be reduced further still.
If adopted, heat pipes can recover lost heat so as to save energy.
如果采用热管换热技术, 对余热进行回收, 可达到节能的目的。
Streamline the administrative structures , save administrative cost.
精兵简政, 节约行政成本。
She then experienced a vision from God calling on her to save Africa.
The house should be renovated all at once to save troubles afterwards.
Advice on how to save for retirement or your kids'college is plentiful.
He may be able to swing a deal with the government to save his students.
Once you get an acceptable chromatogram you may save it for your records.
This document is about Can Interactive Advertising Save European Operators
But there is a chance to save the Earth according to aerial reconnaissance.
但机会来了, 根据航天侦测, 还有拯救地球的希望。
Company Logo A strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.
一个坚强的人只能救赎自己, 伟大的人才能拯救他人。
And I can save you the indignity of groveling by telling you right now save.
呃, 可以。我知道你要说什么。
You can save the settings of any Motion Chart so that you can access it later.
您可以保存这些设置的任何议案图, 以便您日后访问。
Use your magic to defeat the enemies of Mimi and save the home, accompany you.
使用您的魔法去打败敌人和拯救咪咪回家, 陪伴您。
Pressure distillation used in acetaldehyde production can save energy markedly.
将加压蒸馏技术应用于乙醛生产, 节能效果显著。
Serious cold catch a cold takes what drug good fast, still cough. Save save me!
严重感冒伤风吃什么药好的快, 还咳嗽。救救我吧!
And You save an afflicted people But Your eyes are on the haughty whom You abase.
When I save a document, the file is saved with an additional file name extension.
保存文档时, 文件名中增加了一个额外的扩展名。
It may save tremendous energy because of having a strong adaptability to temperature.
另外, 水解酸化对温度适应性很强, 具备很大的节能空间。
Her adventurousness, sureness of purpose, and intelligence save her husband's friend.
Changes the basic account the general account, might save transfers and takes present.
将一般帐户改为基本帐户, 可以存转并取现了。
This is a toolbar used to adjust the Save button on the new and interchangeable source.
The Fund for Animals was a strong advocate of the campaign to save dolphins from death.
We had to save up for ten years before we could afford the down payment on a new house.

单词 save 释义

  • 单词释义:救;攒钱;节省,节约;保留,保存;收集;避免;救球  [更多..]



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