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单词 run 例句大全,用单词run造句:

To run the sample, you need to build the solution and then run the test macro.
若要运行该示例, 需要生成解决方案, 然后运行测试宏。
Distance run impetus is simple persistent, distance run the end is love belong.
长跑得动力是简单得执着, 长跑得终点是爱得归宿。
The development programme have to is abandoned when the company run out of cash.
公司的资金全部用完, 不得不放弃其发展计划。
Why would I help someone who would run out on his family, abandoning his child ?
Just if you're ever in trouble, don't be brave. You just run, OK? Just run away.
假如有麻烦你不要逞英雄。你只管跑, 好吗?只管跑!
Will they flaunt convention, abandon families, and run away to pursue lost dreams
You don't absolutely need a flywheel, but it makes the engine run a lot smoother.
你并不一定就要添上飞轮, 但是它让引擎运转起来流畅很多。
An analysis of the great beauty of run a state and the great cause of run a state
But still more expensive wine, one bottle of water lines on the mouth Run Run it.
但酒水还是比较贵, 一人一瓶水能润润嘴就行啦。
Some originally state-run institutions are gradually being run on a commercial basis.
If you run a company by the numbers, you'll eventually run the company into the ground.
如果你用数字经营公司, 你最终只是在打基础。
Freestyle direction of the wind, run, jump dare dare run a courageous Chuang as Chuang.
Synchronize Password Changes from Computers That Run UNIX to Computers That Run Windows.
Cor 9 22 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize.
Is the price elasticity of supply usually larger in the short run or in the long run Why
Allow the engine to run at idle speed for a few minutes without pressing the accelerator.
The fervor surrounding Liu's run had become commonplace in the run upto the August Games.
Conditional compilation statements are designed to run during compile time, not at run time.
Once Buddist apologetics was run between an abbot and him, both of whom were at zazen on pads.
一次与方丈辩经, 两人坐于团垫之上, 相论许久。
Because of experimental errors the temperature of the eutectic halt varies slightly from run to run.
It reckons its new rules will boost the economy in the long run and only slightly dent it in the short run.
No one can jump a centimetre higher than the height he can jump, nor run a minute longer than the length he can run.
任何人不可超过速度一分一秒, 逾越高度一分一厘。
The number of Ode to music in Tang Dynasty is not proved and there is not final conclusion in academia in the long run.
Some universities have only an academic level of secondary technical schools, so why should we run them as if they were universities?
有些大学只是中等技术学校水平, 何必办成大学?
But Miller disappointed many by winning only two silvers, in the giant slalom and the combined, which features one downhill run and one slalom run.

单词 run 释义

  • 单词释义:跑;移动;(使)流动  [更多..]



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