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单词 sate 例句大全,用单词sate造句:

Discussion on the inspection of oil pollution prevention in Port Sate Control
Total Retail Sate of Consumer Goods and Development Rates of Consumer Goods by Year.
Research Fellow, New Castle University UK , California Sate University Long Beach US.
英国新堡大学, 美国加州长堤大学, 香港大学等进修研习。
The bomb was taken away and the soldiers exploded it at a sate distance from the house.
滑冰运动员动作轻松流畅, 姿态优雅的在冰面上滑行。
The chiller adopt highquality compressor and Italy pump, so it is very sate and noiseless, .
采用进口高品质压缩机及意大利水泵, 安全宁静。
Basic Characters of Citizens Scientific Literacy Construction in our Country since the Founding of the Sate
The web sate Web site also provide provides information and advice on scholarship programmes never programs.
The member states of the SCO sate that the geopolitical and economic significance of Central Asia keeps growing.
At the sate time, it just likes a kind of good medicine, which can cure some current Chinese teaching disadvantages.
To real life happy fantasyThe more commonly used square god portrait expressed them to the sate safeguard earnest hope.
But where I object is when the games that sate them become greater in number than those for the more discerning player.
According to the"Discourse on the Zhou Sate" of Discourse on the States , the scope one's sight can reach is limited.
The grinding machine produces the movement of the oriented shaft, moreover, there is a close relationship between the movement and the grinding machine's sate of cold and hot.
磨体产生了轴向窜动, 且窜动与磨机的冷热状态密切相关。

单词 sate 释义

  • 单词释义:vt.使心满意足,过分的给与  [更多..]



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