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单词 quiet 例句大全,用单词quiet造句:

It was very quiet in the barn, and the quiet of the afternoon was on the ranch.
马房里静得很, 牧场上也因为是下午, 一片静谧。
When doing not have Acousticon, I listen to not quiet others what to say almost.
没有助听器时, 我几乎听不清别人说什么。
Clear spring stone upper reaches, spring like string, move in being quiet, quiet.
The quiet sound of ultra real wood, add the comfortable intensity of life even more
超实木静音, 更添生活舒适程度
Rockery to the north, the temporary pool pavilion, cornices Yingwater, quiet quiet.
The quiet blue color's pupil twinkle ray, he opens the arm, greets all abandonments.
Once you're there, stay absolutely quiet until you are sure that the coast is clear.
Set the amount of acceptable quiet time before the multicast heartbeat sends an alert.
Night was quiet, and may be accompanied with the stars is a very pleasant way to enjoy!
Someone who wants a quiet dog Beautiful as they are, Siberian husky dogs are not quiet.
有人要安静狗漂亮, 却并不平静西伯利亚狗喉。
Always liked quiet, but today the quiet office has inexplicably made me want to go crazy.
Abel This trail connects a lot of quiet and lesserknown paths, and the scenery is beautiful.
这条步道是串连起鲜为人知的清幽小径, 风景很美。
The dissolution of the unconscious releases energy; the mind feels adequate and become quiet.
Somebody advised me not to go to the party, probably it will be a very quiet and boring affair.
There may be nothing absolutely correct or incorrect, but only the quiet and peace in the heart.
The room was quiet and neutral in colouring, but it was given accent by bowls of bright flowers.
室内色彩素静, 但是一盆盆的鲜花, 使屋子大为增色。
Ritchie had to adapt quickly and the prospect of keeping David Bentley quiet was daunting enough.
Badge business is bright, quiet period is active a powerful force at countrywide business circles.
Influence of the Quiet and Perceptive Religious Sect on Loyalty and Affiliation of Confucian School
Should make the patient maintains lukewarm thaw quiet, can give when necessary tranquillizer and aconite.
Special quiet design eliminates water dropping noise to the maximum extent for keeping quiet environment.
No one speaks. It is so absolutely quiet that each person can hear the heartbeat of the person to his right or his left.
She was glad to acquiesce, and even to go to bed, and drink watergruel, in order that she might possess her soul in quiet.
她就欣然默认, 索性躺上床, 喝稀粥, 图个心里安静。
The lesson, in a cold and mean-spirited age, is to remind us of a quiet human quality that is seldom adequately praised or celebrated:
I spent a few days on this island. I was here five years ago and I remember this island being quiet and not as developed, but it really amazes me how fast it has changed. It’s not a quiet island anymore. Apparently, everyone else found out about the little gem.

单词 quiet 释义

  • 单词释义:清静的;僻静的;不起眼的;不激动的  [更多..]



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