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单词 quiet 例句大全,用单词quiet造句:

Person has two sides, can be very active, also can be very quiet.
I gave her a bunch of money, and she agreed to keep things quiet.
我给了她一笔钱 她答应我不把这些事抖出来的。
The room was very quiet. Even the sound of the abacus was stilled.
On auscultation, quiet abdomen on right but may be tinkling sounds
听诊, 右侧腹腔无蠕动音, 但可听到叮当音
In its quiet way, mass advertising has been deadly and inexorable.
I quietly watch the crystal clear Moon, she is so quiet, so quiet!
Then came the quiet afternoon as everyone settled into siesta time.
A background of mountains accents the quiet beauty of the landscape.
I wanted peace and quiet, tranquility, but was too much aboil inside.
By all accounts, Park is a popular but quiet member of United's team.
据大家所说, 朴是一个在联队中受大众欢迎但不显眼的成员。
These birds from their secret haunts affright the quiet of the night.
a habitually quiet man who had never shown such an agitated demeanour
一个平日沉默寡言的人, 从来没有表现出如此激动的态度
Curiously quiet she was, almost abstracted, answering these questions.
I told her that we were picking up Kayla for a quiet afternoon at home.
我告诉她 我们要接凯拉来家里坐坐。
If you can't get absolute silence, go for quiet, that's absolutely fine.
如果没有完全无声的环境 那就去一个安静的地方也没问题
Romeo was very quiet for a moment. Rocco accepted the rebuke in silence.
In addition, Ms Liu is a person of quiet charm and unfailing good humor.
Adopted with induction highpressure blower, small volume, quiet, durable.
用感应式高压风机, 体积小, 噪音小, 寿命长
The party was a very quiet affair and not at all what I'd been expecting.
Longer pause while all this is absorbed, then a final voice, scouse, quiet
话音落后,一片死寂 良久一个沧桑的声音响起
I was waiting for you, to love me, as long as you accompany me, quiet enough.
我还在等着你, 静静的爱我, 只要有你陪我, 静静的就足够。
His speech was quiet and clearly enunciated with a trace of a southern accent.
Primary and secondary trenchant, tonal and lively and quiet, gentle and quiet.
主次分明, 色调明快而恬静, 柔和而娴雅。
Quiet the beauty of accurate to Baidu essence sale has experience greatly also.
Jo was a little quiet at first, but she agreed that they were very well suited.
乔起初有些沈默, 但同意他们两人非常适合。

单词 quiet 释义

  • 单词释义:清静的;僻静的;不起眼的;不激动的  [更多..]



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