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单词 quake 例句大全,用单词quake造句:

This information is much more valuable than merely pinpointing the quake epicenter.
The quake was followed by a series of strong aftershocks,the largest a magnitude of 6.3.
The quake knocked out El salvador's telephone service and electricity for several hours.
The prediction of the Haicheng quake was therefore just a lucky unrepeatable coincidence.
The network was broadcasting the World Series from Candlestick Park when the quake struck.
We should stress emphasis on quake drills and the structure of buildings on ordinary days.
Seismologists at the agency say this is the strongest quake to hit Kyushu in nearly 18 years.
Videos taken at the time show what appears to be earthquake lighting, though no quake occurred.
Cracks had appeared in the dam wall after the quake but workers had reinforced it with steel rods.
The protests threaten to undermine the government's attempt to promote itsto the quake as effective.
She reeked of death having been buried next to other bodies that were killed instantly in the quake.
USGS also recorded two strong aftershocks of magnitudes 5.2 and 5.3 within half an hour of the quake.
During the quake all Eld's deer and tufted deer immediately ran out of the barns and appeared agitated.
After the devastating quake, many locals have put bottles in their house as a forecaster of aftershocks.
Then the designing principles on protection from quake of cultural relic in museum were brought forward.
There was some discernible lag, but not much worse than what I was comfortable with in my Quake deathmatch days.
有一些明显的差距, 但比我很舒服, 我地震死斗天差。
A Preliminary Discussion of the Relationship between the Return of Halley Comet and Great Earth quake Occurrences.
Emperor one madams voice takes to quake and wipes the tears that taints with to the photograph with the finger tip.
In the hours after the quake struck, a Tokyo girl walks home from school wearing a protective inflatable disaster hood.
地震几小时后, 一名东京女孩头戴阻燃防护帽放学回家。
Strike them with fear, and cause the boldness of their strength to languish, and let them quake at their own destruction.
请你使他们恐怖, 消散他们逞强的勇气, 使他们因溃败而颤栗。
The epicenter of the quake was initially determined to be22.247 degrees north latitude and123.733 degrees east longitude.
Explosion quake caused steel pipe wined, buttress subsided and ground fissured at 6th pipe section of the Yinghe Hydroelectric Installation.
爆破振动使荥河电站六管段管沟裂缝, 支墩下沉, 钢管弯曲。

单词 quake 释义

  • 单词释义:发抖,颤抖;摇动,震动  [更多..]



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