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单词 impartial 例句大全,用单词impartial造句:

He is perfectly fair and impartial and never tries to spare anybodys feelings.
他办事大公无私, 对谁也能拉下脸来。
A fair and impartial policing of the demonstrations has also to be guaranteed.
The Arrow impartial distortion, is a poisonous snake to penetrate the left eye.
On Necessity of the strict and impartial party discipline in the Party Building
The wife of the accused has maintained an impartial stance throughout the trial.
在整个审判过程中, 被告的妻子保持了不偏不倚的态度。
The instructor and the student agreed to an impartial arbiter, and I was selected.
as an attitude of detached, objective and impartial in the execution of authority.
作为一种超然的态度, 客观公正的立场来行使职权。
In the compartment, the impartial participant told me his counterpart's departure.
This would guarantee the fulfilment of the task in an efficient, impartial manner.
fulfill review staff responsibilities, strictly abide by the disciplines, impartial.
认真履行评审人员职责, 严格遵守评审纪律, 公正严明。
Why do you think that Swift chose to make horses the embodiments of impartial reason?
Leshan Giant Buddha impartial famous just sit in the Giant Buddha cardiothoracic site.
Why do you think that Swift chose to make horses the embodiments of impartial reason ?
Mrs. Fan said she had always followed the Legco house rules and tried to be impartial.
He therefore argues that resolution on the motion cannot be said to have been impartial.
The factory director must be strict and impartial in giving out rewards and punishments.
The factory director must be strict and impartial in meting out rewards and punishments.
The division aims to provide an impartial, accurate and efficient service to its clients.
He was impartial in dealing with the matter and didnt impose any personal feelings on it.
在处理这件事上, 他非常公正, 没有搀杂任何私人感情。
Not exactly the impartial enforcement of legal statutes we were all raised to believe in.
Finally, a fair trial can be conducted only where the court is independent and impartial.
which props up a giant body of more than 100 tons, standing solid and impartial straight.
支持重达100余吨的巨大身躯, 坚实挺立, 不偏不倚。
We provide service for the vustojer on the basis of reliable, economic, safety and impartial.
consummating the social allotment to provide a fine social groundwork for impartial execution.
完善社会分配机制, 为公正执法提供良好的社会基础。
We are therefore confident that the ICJ's deliberations and ruling will be fair and impartial.

单词 impartial 释义

  • 单词释义:不偏不倚的;公平的,公正的;无私的;持平  [更多..]



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