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单词 maple 例句大全,用单词maple造句:

The biggest stone which sculptured the poem of A Night Mooring By Maple Bridge.
Stir in the peanut butter, graham cracker crumbs, and maple sugar and mix well.
Each building is set off by willow tree, lotus pond, cassia tree or maple wood.
Vintage Japanese Picture Postcard.Red Maple Valley Park.Lake, Maple Leaves.Aki.
Maple fruit contains more easily absorbed calcium, promoting bone health of dogs.
Xiaowu says hello to to maple leaf post a letter, such, two people were acquainted.
小武给枫叶发信问好, 就这样, 两人相识了。
On the table, the cake into trading, poured hot chocolate sauce or maple syrup can.
上桌时, 把饼放入盘中, 浇上热巧克力酱或者枫树糖浆, 即可。
Sometimes go mountains chasing the maple leaf, maple leaf always live in the past time.
Beehive is built on the beetree, the wind blows the maple leaves and close the mapledoor.
HELLO, the powder experience harms the maple tree maple tree soaks on the surface senate!
Maple tree saccharorrhea sickness belongs to the euchromosome recessive hereditary disease.
Why small maple should build poisonous net of individual give up to uncover a scar oneself ?
The tranquil and natural beauty represented by maple enriches its own aesthetic implications.
Tracy But you said you were saving up to have a trip to Canada and see the maple leaves there.
Pollen captures on hornbeam and field maple appeared to be higher than those on dogwood and hazel.
Many of our students have participated in the Maple Leaf English Arts Festival for the last month.
Fail to be a maple leaf, fall though being swept by autumn wind, be exaggerated but by warm blood.
The Fragrant Hills in beijing, ablaze with red maple leaves in late autumn, attract throngs of visitors.
每年深秋, 北京香山红叶烂漫, 游人如织。
Study on the Processing Technique of the Bread with the Protein form the Kernel of Silver Piece Maple Tree
Choice of Strawberry and Pistachio, Pineapple and Coconut or Banana and Raisin. Served with Real Maple Syrup.
Venter helped select the wood spalted maple burl from a148 yearold Virginia tree from which the desk is made.
It makes for pretty driving in the fall, as the maple foliage is fantastic. And lets not forget the apple cider.
秋季在外面驾车是非常棒的, 因为枫树叶特别的迷人的。
The Germplasm Resource of Maple Species and Assessment of Their Exploitations and Utilization in Tianmu Mountain
The Canadian government announced on Wednesday that Maple Leaf Tartan has become an official symbol of the country.
Gardeners had swept maple leaves from the moss carpet of the main garden and spread them here, over the bamboo leaves.
园丁把园林里的枫树落叶扫了起来, 摊在竹叶上面。

单词 maple 释义



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