The kitchen itself is almost a separate kingdom within the hotel.
The Dialect Words of Ancient Wu and Chu Kingdom in Puxian Dialect
The United Kingdom legislates the abolition of slavery in its empire.
We heard there are also relics dating from the ancient Kingdom of Yue.
And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
若一国自相分争, 那国就站立不住。
Do not administer portrait on United Kingdom trade marks, trade pattern.
You ought not to allow such a dreadful creature to live in your kingdom.
It is almost impossible for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven.
So we know that pheromones exist right the way across the animal kingdom.
所以我们知道费洛蒙 存在于动物王国中。
And so what does the Acacia Tree Kingdom desire to close this essay with ?
In a certain kingdom there is a King and he has a horse with a Golden Mane.
The biggest penis in the animal kingdom, however, is not that of the tapir.
但是動物界中最大的陰莖 並不是貘的
It is all related therefore in the perception of the Amethyst Quartz Kingdom.
因此紫水晶国王觉察到, 一切都相关。
He took the advice of the second group, and in a few days his kingdom crumbled.
他接纳了后者的建议, 过不了几天, 他的王国便倾覆了。
On aesthetic connotation of physiognomy of liu guan zhang in the three kingdom.
The Kingdom of Yue surrendered as it was losing the war with the Kingdom of Wu.
越国在和吴国的战争中失败了, 向吴国投降。
Well this is interesting and the Amethyst Mineral Kingdom would like to explain.
The Portuguese had a field day when they overran the ancient kingdom of Malacca.
Monkeys are very similar to human beings but are still part of the animal kingdom.
The Zhao kingdom is recruiting knights to fight against the stronger Qing kingdom.
On arrival in the United Kingdom you must report to the aliens registration office.
There is also another kingdom the kingdom of Satan and darkness in the world today.
今天的世界还有另一个国, 就是撒但和黑暗的国。
I would like to give the agreement they delivered the United Kingdom's full support.
And so it would be sort of approximately up there, coming out of the animal kingdom.
因此它大略就在上方, 出自于动物界。
Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighboring kingdom.