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单词 side chest 例句大全,用单词side chest造句:

But it wasn't my chest, but my side.
但那不是我的正当一面, 而是我的阴暗面。
Do you have a pain in both side of chest?
And my chest is turning into my right side.
One bullet pierced the left side of his chest.
Side Impact The head and chest results were good.
A raise catwalk is made up along the side of the chest.
Continue to raise your side ribs up and lift your chest.
Side effects include vomiting, dizziness and chest pain.
副作用包括呕吐, 头晕和胸痛。
Chest, abdomen and miscellaneous side gray stripe maroon.
胸部, 腹部及体侧杂有灰栗色斑纹。
The other was crumpled on his side with a great vent in his chest.
另一个侧着身子, 扭作一团, 当胸拉开一个大口子。
Your arms should swing at your side, not crossing over your chest.
Most people have heard that the heart is on the left side of the chest.
The side of chest, but also for future generations on that line, do not move.
宝箱的右边, 而且换线后人就在那, 不用动的。
From the right and left side floating ribs to the armpit chest, feel yourself ascend.
Inner chest pocket Theres an inner chest pocket on the left side with a zipper closure.
Several of these diagnoses would also be valid if the heart were shifted against the left side of the chest.
The bazoo that uses you is pointed gently glide his alvine, chest, kiss him next cervical on the right side of.
用你的鼻尖轻轻滑过他的小腹, 胸膛, 然后亲吻他颈部的右侧。
I was sitting on the floor playing with him, when he started pawing and sniffing at the right side of my chest.
我坐在地上逗它玩, 它开始用爪子挠, 还不断地闻我胸部右侧。
One stationary pole dancing move is sitting to the side of the pole with the knees tucked up close to the chest.
When the hand of the affected side is placed on the opposite shoulder the elbow cannot be made to touch the chest.
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单词 side chest 释义

  • 单词释义:[体]侧展胸大肌  [更多..]



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