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单词 side chamber 例句大全,用单词side chamber造句:

The upper chamber on each side is called the atrium.
Narrow stairs lead from the side of the chamber to the upper floor.
In the packed chamber, the GM and Chrysler executives sat side by side with dealers.
Treatment of Severe Cerebral Hemorrhage by Side Chamber Drainage Cerebral Fluid Replace
Space running across the chamber, divide the bench on either side of the house of commons
Influence analysis of the earthquake acting on the chamber side wall of high intake tower.
Effect of Offesting Combustion Chamber for Air Blast Diesel Engine to Side Pressure of Piston Skirt
The heating elements were installed at the bottom side of the working chamber. Forced vertical circulation.
加热器按装在工作室底部, 垂直强迫对流。
The right side chamber houses a kitchen, which was once used for cooking basin meals during festive events.
Permanent Navigation Lock Chamber Side Wall to Side Wall Support Slide Lift Formwork at Three Gorges Project
An air outlet of the reaction chamber is arranged at the lower part at the higher side of the bottom surface of the inner line.
After he measured the wall of the house, six cubits; and the breadth of every side chamber, four cubits, round about the house on every side.
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单词 side chamber 释义

  • 单词释义:边音室(发音)  [更多..]



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