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单词 to the life 例句大全,用单词to the life造句:

After retiring from the army it took William a long time to adjust to civilian life.
Agape love is the only true love which I will spend my whole life to focus and to try.
因此, 你们的爱也成为我最珍贵的装备, 来应对我今后的生活。
Learn to absorb the mental and moral life of a book, and assimilate it into your life.
学会吸收书中的精神和生活道德, 并融合到你自己的生活中。
The imnportant thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it
This achievement has brought joyfully to the people, improved people's quality of life.
The scientists were surprised to find an abundance of marine life near the geyser vents.
The Application of Accelerated Test Method to Assessing Life Span of Auxiliary Tank Cone
It took the students almost a month to acclimatize themselves to the life of the school.
The doctor advised him to abstain from drinking if he still wanted to lead a normal life.
医生建议说, 如果他还想过正常生活的话, 他必须戒酒。
The serious acute pelvic inflammatory disease may cause the septicaemia to endanger life.
Otherwise, he won't acquire the qualification to enjoy the sharing fund or Communist life.
Learn to absorb the mental and the moral life of a book, and assimilate it into your life.
学着去吸收书中的道德情操, 直至彻底领悟于现实生活当中。
I persist in this faith, and this faith is a praise and admiration to the vitality of life.
The Advisory Team working with the Working Group to draft the Life Skills Training Package.
Wait just life of suffering, the hero to accompany her ambition of the pose unique wireless.
It hopes to continue to pour into them, will accompany them through the most beautiful life!
In order to achieve the highest end of a good life, it is not enough to just pamper oneself.
为了达到好生活的最高点, 仅仅满足自已的欲望是不够的。
What the Ice Age did was to eradicate the abundant mammalian life in the Northern Hemisphere.
What had started as a walk at night to the outhouse had turned into a life and death adventure!
I still need to frequently open the life of the notebook, and make note of the absence of life.
Over a long time, she will slowly accustomed to the life, and gets along well with people Huns.
We lived there for several months to acquaint ourselves with the life and customs of the people.
It was perhaps to the accompaniment of Hotel California that you first met your partner for life.
Adding a new dimension to my life show, meanwhile, the actress is sunk in the agony of indecision.
The tax revenue is closely related to economic life, and accompanies enterprises like their shadow.
税收与经济生活密切相关, 税收与企业如影相随。
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单词 to the life 释义

  • 单词释义:逼真的,惟妙惟肖的  [更多..]



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