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单词 to the minute 例句大全,用单词to the minute造句:

He described to me the accident in minute details.
In the adult the heart rate averages 70 to 80 beats a minute.
Every train left exactly to the minute according to schedule.
You will check in a minute to see if it was added in the code.
When minute digit blinks, press the key to adjust the minute value.
Ashley Young makes it 3 to Aston Villa in the 4 th minute of added time.
One of the photographs revealed a minute aircraft close to an inclined ramp.
The 88 th minute, Portsmouth place Diyala accumulates two cards to punish the fate.
The33rd minute, in Peideluo biography lacks the teammate to aid, is held Niao to pick.
SAM Well, you know, you were just talking to me a minute ago about the precipitous decline in advertising revenue.
要知道, 一分钟前你还在跟我讨论报纸广告下滑的问题。
The amount of chemicals absorbed is thought to be so minute that they would be difficult to discern through testing.
被吸收的化学物质被认为是很少量, 难以通过检测识别。
The work pace should be accelerated by seizing every minute and second. If there is the possibility to accomplish a task one day ahead of time,then do it.
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单词 to the minute 释义

  • 单词释义:一分不差,恰好  [更多..]



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