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单词 to the death 例句大全,用单词to the death造句:

The agency says people asphyxiated on another boat, and smugglers beat others to death.
We also welcome the initiative of the Government of Rwanda to abolish the death penalty.
Would like to have a next life I will never again, the afterlife, death, o reincarnation.
愿我永不再有来生, 来世, 往生, 往世。不再轮回。
To reinstitute the death penalty review does not mean we will abolish capital punishment.
Currently, the academic circle have paid much attention to the problem of Medieval death.
He tried to help them understand the vacuum created by the death of the person they love.
Recognizing the Meaning of Luring Agricultural and Forest Insects to Their Death with Lamps
The reply from Armenia indicated that the Government intended to abolish the death penalty.
His wife's accidental death, so that foreigners suspected to be the husband killed his wife.
But in the aftermath of that, I was subjected to a barrage of violent rape and death threats.
The Assembly also called on States that have abolished the death penalty not to reintroduce it.
What had started as a walk at night to the outhouse had turned into a life and death adventure!
And to the police station nearest to the place of accident, where the accident results in death.
又凡意外引致死亡, 亦向最接近意外生地的警署案。
The sermon tried to chastise us with scorpions, hellfire abd brim stone. We were scared to death.
这篇说教用恐怖和酷刑折磨我们, 把我们吓得要死。
The most frightening thing is breaking up, something more terrible than death, that is, to abandon.
最可怕得就是分手, 比死亡更可怕得东西, 就是离弃。
The lack of wholeness and love drives Bigger from life to death in haste all along with loneliness.
Therefore, we do not have any immediate plan to abolish or suspend the application of death penalty.
The State party should take the necessary steps to abolish the death penalty for treason and piracy.
and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.
一切能做的都做了, 如果怕死, 就有点儿可怜又可鄙。
Freezes to death stands against the wind, starves to death a belly, the spirit cannot lose absolutely.
He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterwards.
Objective To analyze the causes and characteristics of sudden death of acute pancreatitis in Seychelles.
This abnormal man should be sentenced to the death penalty, for he has cruelly abused women and children.
I urge the Government of Iraq to abolish capital punishment and implement a moratorium on death sentences.
Suddenly he swallows up the pipe and accidently scorches the beauty and the beast and suffocates to death.
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