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单词 SOBS 例句大全,用单词SOBS造句:

Meanwhile, the mob outside robs her and the lamb sobs in the cafeteria.
这时, 门外得乌合之众抢劫了小羊, 它只得在餐厅里抽泣。
She sobs herself to sleep night after night after she lost her daughter.
I choke with sobs ah full of sorrow, lament that they are like to crash.
The neighbor suddenly choked with sobs, her tears gushing from her eyes.
It's a shame, and again sobs of fright cut off her desire for expression.
Between convulsive sobs, IT talked him those any were his black tulip bulbs.
Between convulsive sobs, she told him that these were his black tulip bulbs.
She thought she could never stop until convulsive sobs racked her even more.
These words listen in Taiwan's mainland spouse ear, is really sobs extremely.
这些话听在台湾得大陆配偶耳里, 真是不胜唏嘘。
She now put no further restraint on her tears; her breath was stifled by sobs.
Even a bunch of sour sobs picked from the garden will make most mothers smile.
The bee loves, the cotton rose sobs, Liang Zhuhua butterfly, chilly beautiful.
蜂儿恋, 芙蓉泣, 梁祝化蝶, 多凄美。
When she got to the saddest part of the story, her voice was choked with sobs.
说到伤心处, 她泣不成声。
Whenever there was a pause in the song she filled it with gasping, broken sobs.
Hears the bad news which his mother died he to cry he to cry to choke with sobs.
Great drops of sweat stood out on Tom's forehead, and his breath came in deep sobs.
and then , falling upon the chair nearest the door , she burst into a paroxysm of sobs.
她就倒在那张离门最近的椅子上, 突然啜泣起来。
Andy takes knife, passes it to Red. Brooks dissolves into Andy's arms with great heaving sobs.
安迪拿过刀子, 递给瑞德, 布鲁克斯倒在安迪的怀里痛哭起来。
At this point her eyes filled with tears, and her voice choked with sobs, she was unable to go on.
The film is funny, touching and beautifully understated ; its characters win big laughs with the subtlest wrinkle of a brow, earn sobs with a stifled sigh.

单词 SOBS 释义

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