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单词 single out 例句大全,用单词single out造句:

Trying to single out financiers from entrepreneurs is a fools errand you will end up hurting both.
The entire network thus consists of a single star, going out directly from the central distributor.
A single door on the front of the car pops open, allowing the driver to step out onto the sidewalk.
同时, 车头的单门可以弹开, 让司机走上人行道。
The distance you have just marked out is the distance of a single stride, when the cheetah is at full speed.
The origins of Chinese words are relatively complicated and it is not the work of a single day to figure them out.
The comparison of displacement responses to earthquake loading in single and double propagation directions is carried out.
A mouse in which a single gene of choice is inactivated or knocked out in a manner that leaves all other genes unaffected.
The Research and Realization of the Single Chip Computer Communiantion for the Automatic Monitor System of the Ventilation Window with Equal Pressure to Put Out A Fire
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