Newton's laws of motion do not single out a direction of time.
Get out your best dishes and put a single flower in a bud vase.
Not a single one cried out, so as not to give their position away.
没有一声叫喊 以免暴露行踪
As if moved by a single thought, they cried out in dismay and grief.
As if moved by a single thought, they tried out in dismay and grief.
仿佛被一种单纯的思想所促使, 他们惊惶失措, 高声哀叫。
A single fax sent from New York can be burst out to several addresses.
Score out the assortment of single side fabric and double sides fabric.
A ballet dancer may wear out four pairs of shoes in a single performance.
在一场演出中, 一个芭蕾舞演员也许会磨穿四双鞋。
I couldn't muster up a single commonplace out of the thousand in my head.
我脑子里虽有千百句客套话, 可是一句也说? ? 来。
urgent out of ChanXu delimit a single class output and hang express CARDS.
Single out the principal contradiction from a complexity of contradictions
As I pulled the flap down to the mailbox, a single letter instantly flew out.
我走过草坪, 拉开了邮筒的盖子, 一封信轻轻地飘了出来。
Their ranks are legion. And yet thousands can act out a single deadly purpose.
它们有大军压境的气势, 而且几千支投注同一目标。
And here I'm going to pull out the double wavelengths and increase the single.
我把这双波减小一点 把单波加大
The teacher was reluctant to single out individual students for praise or blame.
His positive attitude towards his studies gave me little cause to single him out.
Instead she Blew Monkey right out of sight with a single wave of her plantain fan.
悟空初次借扇, 被铁扇公主用芭蕉扇扇得无影无踪。
This would mean failure to single out the principal enemy and waste of ammunition.
A single image can hold all the image elements needed to decorate or lay out a page.
It turned out, in every single case, they came out of the Indian educational system.
结果,每一次 他们其实都是印度教育的产物
He said he wouldn't give him a single penny after Tom dropped out of business school.
Any day, I imagine he will be taken out by the single bullet of an aggrieved underling.
You start coding the implementation of single methods without much of the model stubbed out.
Not a single item of policy adopted in our actual struggle was out of keeping with this task.
Poll then selection class is beautiful, did a tax, single out the most beautiful two schoolgirls.
于是投票评选班花, 闹了一节课, 选出最漂亮的两女生。
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