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单词 reset time 例句大全,用单词reset time造句:

The device is lost but can be reset at this time.
You don't reset, or recharge, your battery every time.
The device has been lost but can be reset at this time.
设备已丢失, 但可在此时重置。
Dropping time of the rotary turret exceeds the reset time.
Reset the clock on the database system to the correct time.
You can reset the time one hour earlier or later as you needed.
The time of the last write is reset to the time of the flushing action.
The lockout duration must be greater than or equal to the reset count time.
This enables one reset the state of the linker to that of initialization time.
这样, 将能够将链接器得状态重置为初始化时得状态。
You can also charge the fee manually to collect payment ahead of time and reset the interval.
There is foreign particle in die cavity and the mold protection pressure exceeds the reset time.
当模腔内有异物, 低压模保超过设定时间时。
The maximum allowed time of expiry has been changed. Reset the ticket expiry value and try again.
最长允许过期时间已更改。重设票证过期值, 然后再试一次。
Reset rate is the number of times per unit of time the reset action occurs. the terminal forced release of pressure built up during the occlusive phase of a stop consonant.
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