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单词 Rende 例句大全,用单词Rende造句:

abandon cast desert renounce scrap surrender abstain.
Abandonment in Bible study is the complete, abject surrender of your lives to God.
委身于圣经研究就是把你们的生活完全地, 卑屈地降服于神。
I may be able to arrange a rendezvous at these coordinates.
Perhaps we may be able to render each other some further service.
SURRENDER, RELINQUISH abnegatereaffirm abolitionism n.
My attempts to advance myself at home have been baffled and rendered abortive
This is just an abridged rendering of over a thousand images.
这里只是对这一千张多图片 作个简单介绍。
The price a perfect love is an absolute and complete surrender.
Design and Analysis of the Transition Phase from Absolute Navigation to Relative Navigation in Spacecraft Rendezvous Mission
Polish is different from inks, it renders in the paper surface and not easy to absorbed.
上平剂差别于油墨, 它表现在纸张暗地且不便当被汲取。
Use, do not abuse neither abstinence nor excess ever renders man happy.
应用, 不要滥用节制或过度都不会令一个人快乐。
They are representatives of abstract forces who have reached power through surrender of self.
But the bare enunciation of such an absurdity as this last renders refutation superfluous.
He tried to meet a friend in London without a pre arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.
When you see rendering artifacts in an application, try turning off hardware acceleration.
在应用程式中看见转译叠影时, 请尝试关闭硬体加速。
After all, who has the right to accept the surrender of the Japanese and puppets
General, if you will accept me, I will render what trifling service I can.
将军, 如果你接受我, 我将尽绵薄之力。
Status Offline The Allies declared they would accept nothing less than unconditional surrender.
同盟国宣布, 他们只接受无条件投降。
Cheerfulness in doing render a deed more acceptable.
常带三分笑, 办事不烦恼。
They accepted the allied terms of unconditional surrender.
The terms of surrender were accepted that day and the war was over.
那一天, 敌人接受了劝降书, 战争结束了。
No terms except unconditional and immediate surrender can Be accepted
The truth of Yunnan Army accepting surrender in Vietnam
Brief Comments on Accepting Surrender of Japanese Aggressors in Zhijiang
Use this class to access the renderer of any object, mesh or particle system.

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