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单词 relative to 例句大全,用单词relative to造句:

OBJECTIVE To study the relative factors affecting auditory effects after tympanoplasty.
ATTITUDE, The relative orientation of the airplane with respect to pitch, roll, and yaw.
Relative Bodhicitta is the motivation to attain enlightenment for the benefit of others.
Tongguan elevation is not relative to the average reservoir water level in flood season.
Objective To probe the relative factors of antisocial behavior in middle school students.
Objective To study the growth way of parotid pleomorphic adenoma and the relative factors.
Due to the loose porous, relative surface area is very large, and has a strong adsorption.
由于疏松多孔, 相对表面积非常大, 具有很强的吸附性。
The height of a seat platform of the chair can be adjusted separately relative to the tray.
Relative to the direct advertising, sports sponsorship effect natural, easy to be accepted.
Objective To establish a method for the measurement of relative affinity of phage antibodies.
An instrument for showing the inclination of an aircraft or a ship relative to the horizontal.
It is well known that the angular velocity of a rigid body is no relative to the basic points.
To draw up and ameliorate all relative document of operation specification and workflow in group
制定完善组内相关的业务规范, 工作流程文件?
If you were to rank countries according to relative responsibility, which country would be first
如果按责任比例划分, 第一名是哪个国家?
The relative decline in the technical assistance budget earmarked for Africa was to be regretted.
Objective To explore the relative factors of the senile patients anxiety during dental treatment.
The labyrinth weir has the advantage of discharge capacity relative to that of the straight weir.
迷宫堰相较于直线堰, 最大的优越性体现在它的泄流能力上。
A Algorithm for Finding a Strong Generating Set of a Permutation Group Relative to a Changed Base
the appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer.
Teachers'attitude toward mainstreaming programs was relative to the different professional titles.
Astronomers were assuming, that the Earth's orbit was large relative to the distance to the stars.
天文学家假设地球的轨道 远大于跟恒星的距离。
By stabilizing expenditure, such funds would help to stabilize relative prices and aggregate demand.
Hierarchical models are used in epidemiology to estimate and analyse multiple, related relative risks.
Spondylolisthesis refers to anterior displacement of a vertebral body relative to the vertebra below it.
The more important measurements to be made on the model are those of absolute and relative displacements.
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单词 relative to 释义

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