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单词 receive from 例句大全,用单词receive from造句:

To receive room attendants assignment from Ass. Executive Housekeeper or Asst. Housekeeper.
All government departments requiring legal advice receive it from the Secretary for Justice.
Accordingly, the enterprise was not eligible to receive assistance from the Multilateral Fund.
The first member of a cartel should receive complete immunity from prosecution and punishment.
They also receive money for accmmodation and other expenses from their father, Prince Charles.
Personal accounts from poor people in the new report describe how they receive shoddy services.
On the contrary, they enjoy access to legal counsel and can receive visits from family members.
相反, 他们享有约见法律顾问的权利, 并能接受家人的探视。
Each of these chambers is adjustable in size to receive varying amount of material from a nozzle.
Be part of a global movement to improve hand hygiene and receive acknowledgement of this from WHO.
Station310 may receive a transmission from target station350 via each of the directional antennas.
The regulations of this prison are human-friendly, and receive a good appraisal from the prisoners.
From build a company to begin momently then, those who receive you will be constant challenge thinks.
We have to receive a confirmation from our affiliate partner so there may be a delay of up to 8 weeks.
The deposit is only released from the Bank or the Immigration Company after you receive visa approval.
Microstructured biomaterials such as nacreous layer from mollusk shells receive much attention at present.
Many police officers have been known to receive kickbacks from criminal organizations turning a blind eye.
Anyone begging for money or trying to extort from me would receive a copy of the picture and nothing else.
任何向我要钱的人 都会得到这个照片,其它东西都免谈。
Surprised cloud of high guy undecided hour, jump a black dress of to receive to face the person again from the behind.
高佬惊云未定之时, 从后面又跳出一个黑衣蒙面人。
Education layout and application on urgency to receive medical treatment for patients suffering from coronary heart disease
The bonus that Frostbrand Weapon and Flametongue Weapon receive from bonus spell damage effects has been slightly increased.
Comparative analysis of social support of tumor patients between to receive medical treatment in local area and from allopatry
Realising this, an understanding person will always be happy and ready to give, and will not simply receive charity from others.
聪明的人喜欢施舍, 而不随便接受别人的布施。
Third World countries receive a lot of money from developed countries, but the other side of the coin is that they have to spend
The money will go directly from Barefoot Foundation to those South African schools that are selected to receive funding from this campaign.
Receive entrust from government to consul and investigate the declare reports of new established enterprises in industry in the earlier stage.
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单词 receive from 释义

  • 单词释义:从…获得, 收到(某物)  [更多..]



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