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单词 receiving end 例句大全,用单词receiving end造句:

D Youre on the receiving end. Surrender!
We were on the receiving end of a lot of charity.
But it was not fun to be on the receiving end of.
We were on the receiving end of several complaints.
Those on the receiving end exited the bloody bullring.
He was on the receiving end in the fight and was knocked unconscious.
Please open your LC by telex by the end of July after receiving our cable.
At the receiving end, a photodetector converts them back to electrical signals.
She is earning more money now and likes being on the receiving end for a change.
她如今嫌的钱越来越多, 希望财源滚滚而来, 使自己变个样儿。
Bullying can indeed be distressing and frightening for those at the receiving end.
That meant receiving yourelectronicbriefing and delivering the service, end of story.
这意味着收到您得电子简报和提供服务, 年底得故事。
Journalists can be on the receiving end of bribes, too, to ensure favourable coverage.
Those on the receiving end, however, are often left feeling bemused or, worse, cheated.
Anger is not only painful for those on the receiving end, but also for the men themselves.
愤怒不仅让受气的人难受, 男人自己也不好过。
a receiving hopper on the lower end of the pulp groove is connected with the pulp hopper by an elevator
Due to his involvement in the political scandal, the President has been on the receiving end of public criticism.
由于总统卷入这起政治丑闻, 受到了公众的批评。
Its possible to intercept the signal only if youre standing directly between the transmission point and the receiving end.
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单词 receiving end 释义

  • 单词释义:接受者,受领者;接收端  [更多..]



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