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单词 push on 例句大全,用单词push on造句:

Open the back cover and push down the release pin on the back cover to remove.
you know, stasis actually is the only thing we can push a button on for this.
Put on your favorite pair of fins and push off on your back arms in streamline.
Some Egyptians called on their troops to push west in a bid end further bloodshed.
To tighten the belt, pull its free end while you push down on the child restraint.
Spreading method of horizontal push on inclined layer of roller compacted concrete
But right at the moment of puncture, the tissue can't push back on the tip anymore.
If you need the stewardess for anything, please push the call button on your armrest.
如果有事找空中小姐, 请按扶手上的按钮。
Conditions for No Soil Push by Outside of Front Cutting Surface on Plane Curved Blade.
The boat hit me on the shoulder while I was trying to push off the bottom of the boat.
Keep Pace with the Times, Deep Push on Combating Corruption in Colleges and Universities
与时俱进, 深入推进高等院校反腐败斗争
They are geared to garner savings and investments and push them out on a wholesale basis.
它们的体制是储藏存款和投资, 再把它们全额吐出来。
Breath two times into the victims mouth for every fifteen times you push down on the chest.
Electronic automatic condensation drain with push to test button on prefilter and separator.
Instead you want to push back on your attacker Using your weight of pushing them off balance.
相反你们该向后利用身体重量推开袭击者 宁他们失去平衡。
Those who concentrate on the rewards, which are considerable, often push themselves too hard.
那些关系回报的人, 太用心的人, 经常会把自己逼的很苦。
Clinically, the baffle tongue is firstly positioned in the lengthways long groove on the push rod.
临床时, 挡舌首先处在推杆上的纵向长凹槽中。
The Obama administrations push for peace in the Middle East appears to be on the brink of collapse.
Testing Study of Cutting Power to Freosaw Blade in Germany on the Woodworking Push Table Saw Machine
Trying to catch up on sleep on the weekends can just push ones biological clock further out of whack.
It is based on the client server architecture and uses push deployment with total administrator control.
这是基于客户服务器结构, 并利用推部署与总管理员控制。
Reasearch on the Feasibility of Introducing Push Hands of Wushu into Catch and Capture Arts of Policemen
On more than one occasion, I fell asleep and they had to push me out of the way at the end of the session.
有好几次,我都睡着了 他们不得不在诊疗结束之后
The Effect of Push Cart Skidding on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Trail Soil in Artificial Forests
A joint lever is arranged on the joint, and can press the push rod when pulled by a guy cable to open the valve core.
英文例句大全为您提供push on英文例句大全,push on英文造句,关于push on的英语句子,单词push on怎么造句,push on英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于push on,英语单词push on的句子,单词push on如何造句,push on怎么造句等。

单词 push on 释义

  • 单词释义:继续向前, 坚决进行下去;用力推[压]…;把…强加于…;进栈  [更多..]



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