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单词 push on 例句大全,用单词push on造句:

I can't push cart on my own. Will somebody help assist me ?
Study on the Impact on the Trail Soil by Push Cart Skidding
Big hunter push on the way, will be in the build after next.
猎人大改在即, 将于大下个版本与各位见面。
A wild burst of laughter. PUSH IN on Red. Feeling melancholy.
哄堂大笑, 镜头推向瑞德, 表情消沉。
Mix the stuffing push into the bell peppers. Put lids back on.
将馅的材料混合, 放入青椒内。青椒盖盖上。
Based on that, we build a push plate wave experiment platform.
Push the green button on the mike to bring it down half a key.
All special short encodings push 2 byte integers on the stack.
Push the hose on and over all barbs and up to the wrench flats.
将软管推到所有倒钩上, 直到接头上搭板手的平面处。
Take away the metal cover and push the last button on the left.
Attempt to push as often as possible on medium size chip stacks.
Where and when do we get time to push the boundary on these topics
我们在什么时间, 什么地点才能推动这些话题得发展呢?
You should be able to feel his ribs when you push in on the sides.
He would push on to the frontier with a bunch of other Irish chaps.
On the Cultivation of Tactical Awareness of the TaiJi Push Sportsman
Where and when do we get time to push the boundary on these topics ?
If the activists push for a sale, there may be a battle on the board.
如果有激进主义者强行推行, 在董事会就会遇到一场恶仗。
Push the back of the cart hard, or it'll slip back on this steep hill.
使劲推大车的后部, 不然在这个陡坡上会下滑的。
Feel the hand on your belly go in, and use it to push all the air out.
And this energy, according to Einstein, exerts a push on the universe.
在爱因斯坦看来 这能量推动着宇宙
It makes a lot of sense to push nuclear power on a much bigger scale now.
Push the white retaining clips on each side of the memory socket outward.
The feet travel close to the ground on both forward reach and backward push.
Biomechanical Study on the Hand Throw Push and Double Back off with Body Bent
Push the plunger on the applicator to release the spermicide near your cervix.
推动活塞, 将杀精药物释放于你的子宫附近。
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单词 push on 释义

  • 单词释义:继续向前, 坚决进行下去;用力推[压]…;把…强加于…;进栈  [更多..]



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