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单词 puffed 例句大全,用单词puffed造句:

puffed breeches of the 16th and 15th centuries usually worn over hose.
The British government huffed and puffed at the commission's decision.
The child puffed out his cheeks to make himself look like the fat man.
Production Technology of Puffed and Recreation Food with the Broad Bean
He puffed his chest out when he scored in the final minute of the game.
He fell into a reverie after this, and puffed meditatively at his cigar.
Ah Chou cocked his head to one side and puffed out his cheeks in defiance.
He puffed twice on his cigar again but only hot air issued from his mouth.
His chest was puffed out with pride on the day that they gave him his medal.
Her body bloated and puffed up till pain seemed to burst out through her skin.
The portly client puffed out his chest with an appearance of some little pride.
这位矮胖得委托人挺起胸膛, 显得有点骄傲得样子。
Completely puffed out, we had to sit down a few minutes to gat our breath back.
我们已经气喘吁吁了, 不得不坐下来缓缓气。
Seeing them get off, Ku pulled out half a cigarette and puffed away in earnest.
顾尔谦瞧他们下去, 掏出半支香烟大吸。
The over skirt was eventually lifted up and puffed out at the back over a frame.
Return to oven and bake until the pancake is puffed and golden, about 15 minutes.
烘烤至薄饼疏松表面呈金黄色, 约15分钟。
She puffed on the cigarette and sipped her drink and he sat down beside her again.
He stopped for a moment, puffed twice on his cigar and glanced around at the audience.
We saw his lips were puffed both eyes were discolored.His face discolored and swollen.
Finding the fawn who was playing dead, he slapped the puffed up belly and found it stiff.
While the cheeks are still puffed, begin to exhale through the mouth and empty the lungs.
当面腮仍然放松时, 开始通过嘴部出气并清空肺部。
She bent low out of the wind to light the cigarette, puffed twice before she sat up again.
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The effect of sugar and sodium alginate on puffed wax gourd by microwave puffing technology
As he puffed on his cigarette and eyed her slumbering figure, his heart began to pound violently.
He opened his mouth once or twice, then closed his eyes in concentration, then shook his head and puffed out air in exasperation.
他嘴张了张, 接着闭目思索, 然后摇摇头, 愤怒地吐出一口气。

单词 puffed 释义



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